  • 學位論文


Using Hybrid MCDM Model for Exploring the Evaluation System Towards the Creative City with Improvement Strategies

指導教授 : 曾國雄


在1980年代以後,全球發展的趨勢從過去工業化社會進入後工業化的模式。隨著第三級產業與知識經濟產業的蓬勃發展,近十年來,被視作知識經濟其中一環的文化創意產業也越發受到世界各國的重視。2000年Landry提出「創意城市(Creative City)」的概念,比起過去在探討城市中較多專注於硬體設備、空間規劃與建築設計等面向,則更去強調「人」之於城市的重要性。在全球化的浪潮之下,能夠幫助城市打造出獨立特色的文化與創意已經被視為城市的重要資本。人的知識與文化及創意成為活絡城市的新要素。而臺灣也同樣展現出發展文化創意產業的企圖心,並將創意城市列為城市發展的目標之一。 因此,本研究旨在建構一套創意城市表現評估體系以評估臺灣五都目前的創意城市表現,並針對各城市表現提出相關的改善策略。本文欲透文獻分析與專家訪談法建構創意城市評估指標系統,並運用運用包含決策實驗室分析法(Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory, DEMATEL)、網路程序分析法(Analytic Network Process, ANP; DEMATEL-based ANP, DANP)與修正式折衷排序法(Modified VIKOR)的混合式多評準決策方法(Multiple Criteria Decision Making, MCDM)達到對臺灣五都創意城市表現進行現況表現評估與提出持續改善之建議,以期找到創意城市發展的核心問題,提供決策者參考並改進。提升臺灣創意城市邁向「渴望水準」達成之表現。 運用混合式多評準決策方法進行研究,欲透過了解指標間的影響關係避免過去僅針對某項表現不佳的準則而非進行系統性之改善,而可能忽略整體影響關係的方式,期望能跳脫單一的角度,避免「腳痛醫腳頭痛醫頭」,更全面的處理問題。


After the 1980s, globalization and post-industrialism were the important factors in changing the production structure of urban economy. With the rapid development of the tertiary industry and the knowledge economy industries, over the past decade, the cultural and creative industries are regarded as one of knowledge economy and important increasingly. Landry proposed the concept of "Creative City" in 2000. When people discussing urban elements, in the past, we focused on the hardware equipment, space planning and architectural design-oriented, but concept of creative city emphasizes that "human resources" are more important to urban. Culture and creative, which can help the city to create unique characteristics, has been regarded as an important capital of urban. Knowledge, cultural and creative become a new elements of urban development. Recently, Taiwan also show the ambition of developing cultural and creative industries development. Moreover, creative city is one of the objectives of urban development by governments. This research use document analysis and expert interviews to establish evaluation index system. There have 5 dimensions and 17 criteria for evaluation and improvement are included to carry out the empirical analysis. Then using the MCDM model combining DEMATEL (Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory), DANP (DEMATEL-based ANP), and Modified VIKOR to explore the interrelationship, influential weights, and the gaps of aspiration level within dimensions/criteria. In this research we choses five municipality cities in Taiwan as evaluation objects. The results can be obtained from empirical analysis to develop improvement strategies and recommendations for achieving aspiration level.


Creative City MCDM DEMATEL DANP Modified VIKOR


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