  • 學位論文


The Protection of the Working Rights of Our Country's Professional Baseball Players

指導教授 : 陳春生


棒球在我國有特殊的地位,而職業棒球更是我國少數的職業運動,同時我國更是全亞洲第三個擁有職業棒球運動的國家,然而與其他國家的職棒相較,我國的職棒制度有許多落後的地方,有許多制度都侵害到球員的工作權及其他基本權,然而我國法學領域對職業運動相關問題的討論卻十分稀少,尤其是公法上的探討更是十分闕如,實務上雖然有相關的判決或函釋,但數量亦十分稀少,各級法院的見解也是南轅北轍,因此本篇論文的目的即在於探討職業棒球運動這塊我國法學領域的處女地,並嘗試從不同於以往實務及學術見解的民法及刑法觀點,而以更上位階的憲法觀點出發,研究我國職業棒球球員憲法上工作權的保障問題,以及與球團所牽涉的基本權衝突問題,希望能釐清我國職業棒球運動所產生之許多爭議問題,並對於我國職業棒球特殊制度加以檢討與建議。 本篇論文首先先以文獻研究法收集、閱讀並歸納相關的期刊論文、網路資料、實務見解,以得出憲法上工作權、契約自由與基本權衝突的理論基礎,並以此作為探討我國職業棒球球員與球團間憲法上爭議之解決方法,之後再以事物本質分析法分析職業棒球運動的特殊性以及其特殊制度,以探究職業棒球運動問題之事物本質,並且輔以比較研究法,收集國外職業棒球聯盟的相關規章、選手契約和制度,以及國外相關學說見解以及法院判決案例以為我國職業運動發展之借鏡,期待能得出符合我國憲法基本權保障並符合社會需求之制度。 本論文係以我國職業棒球球員的工作基本權保障以及與球團間的基本權衝突為研究重心,第一章先說明本論文之研究動機、研究目的、研究方法以確立本論文主題所欲研究之問題與範圍,同時於最後對一些專有名詞作名詞解釋。第二章則先針對我國職業棒球運動的球員以及球團間之法律上關係作討論。第三章則進一步探討球團所訂定之選手契約書所涉及之契約自由之範圍以及對球員權利所可能造成之侵害,第四章則進一步說明有關我國職業棒球運動球員的工作基本權,主要針對自由球員制度、運動經紀人制度與球員工會作討論。第五章則針對球團與球員間的基本權衝突進行研究,主要針對保留制度、讓渡條款、球員交易制度、叛將條款、選秀制度進行基本權衝突衡量,最後第六章則是總結前述各章之論點,並得出我國職棒的保留制度、讓渡條款、球員交易制度、叛將條款皆嚴重侵害球員工作權,有加以修改之必要,並建議建立自由球員制度、運動經紀人制度。


The baseball has the special status in our country, and the professional baseball is the few professional sports in our country. However, compares with other countries, there are many backwardness places in our country's professional baseball system. Player's working rights and other rights are violated by many systems. However, the discussion of professional sports are very few in our country’s law science, especially in public law. Therefore, this paper tries to discuss professional baseball sports in the constitutional viewpoint in order to research the protection of the working rights of our country's professional baseball players and the conflict of rights with the clubs. I hope that this paper can deal with the many disputes of our country’s professional baseball sports and will review and suggest the special system of our country’s professional baseball. This paper first collects, reads and induces the related periodical paper, internet information, practical opinion by literature methodology in order to obtain the basic theory of working rights, freedom of contract and conflict of rights and uses the theory to solve constitutional disputes between our country’s professional baseball players and clubs. This paper then analyzes professional baseball’s special characteristics and systems by essence analytic method to research the essence of professional baseball sports. This paper also collects the rules, player’s contracts and systems of foreign professional baseball leagues, theories and Court decision documents by Compared methodology to develop our country’s professional sports theory. I hope that we can get the systems which conforms to the protection of our country’s constitutional basic rights and our social’s demand. This paper focuses on the protection of the working rights of professional baseball players and the conflict of constitutional rights. In first chapter, it writes research motive, research purpose, research method to certain the question and scope and explain some proper nouns. In second chapter, it discusses the legal relationship between our country’s professional baseball players and clubs. In third chapter, it discusses the scope of contractual freedom when clubs draft player’s contract and the violation of player’s rights. In fourth chapter, it writes the working rights of our country’s professional baseball player, mainly aims at free agency, sports agents and players association. In fifth chapter, it researches the conflict of constitutional rights between players and clubs, mainly aims at the reserve system, waivers, trade system, betrayal clause and draft system. In sixth chapter, it sums up all fore-mentioned argument and concludes that our professional baseball’s reserve system, waivers, trade system, betrayal clause violate player’s working rights and need to improve. It also suggests establishing free agency and sports agents system.




