  • 學位論文


International Comparisons on Education Power

指導教授 : 林彥伶


教育的功能在培養人力資源、提升生產力與國家競爭力,因此世界各國在近三十年來有相當幅度的教育擴張。台灣則是在1990 年起展開高等教育的擴張,但近十年來台灣的勞動市場上卻觀察到高技術人才供過於求、受雇者薪資倒退的現象,與教育所預期得到的結果相違背。歸究其原因主要在於教育擴張的速度過快,導致發生學歷價值貶值,進而影響勞動市場薪資。本文設定教育力指標,觀察台灣高等教育擴張前後相對於其他國家在學歷價值的差異。此外,也設定教育力平價的指標,進一步探討教育擴張前後勞動流動性的差異。本文利用國際資料庫中的時間趨勢資料進行計算,在教育力的結果方面: 未實施教育擴張之前,台灣相對於主要先進國家的平均學歷價值有上升的趨勢,而在實施教育擴張之後,台灣相對於許多國家則有平均學歷價值下降的情形。在教育力平價的結果方面: 從計算的數值可以推測教育擴張之後,台美之間的勞動流動性有變小的趨勢,台日之間則有逐漸增加的現象,而台澳之間的勞動流動性則是幾個主要國家中最大的。


This study investigates the effects of education expansion on education returns. The functions of education are to improve the human resources, productivity, and national competitiveness. Taiwan's education expansion was started form 1990, following many developed country's education expansion. However, the wages in Taiwan was found stagnation in the recent decade, and the reason might be the super-fast expansion on education. In order to examine the difference in education return before and after the education expansion in Taiwan, this study identifies the Education Power and Education Power Parity to compare internationally. Our empirical results show that Education Power in Taiwan was increased before expansion, while it was decreased after expansion. In addition, the labor mobility could higher before expansion, and became lower after the education expansion.


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