  • 學位論文

“愛的教育、鐵的紀律” 父母親教養方式與青少年心理健康之關係

“Warm Support , Iron Discipline” The Relation Between Parenting and Adolescent Mental Health

指導教授 : 陳婉琪


父母親教養方式與青少年心理健康之關係在國外已經受到廣泛的討論,但在國內相關的研究 仍然缺乏。本文試圖檢驗父母親不同的教養方式如何影響青少年心理健康。由文獻區分出主要兩 種的父母親教養方式「父母親情感支持關愛」(愛的教育)以及「父母親管教控制」(鐵的紀律);並 且討論其和青少年心理健康之間的關係。 使用TEPS第二波學生問卷,並且合併第一波及二波家長問卷相關題項,以取得父母親相關 的資訊,施測對象主要針對在學的國中學生及其父母進行測量。採用因素分析法作依變項「青少 年心理健康」的測量;以OLS簡單迴歸法作統計分析。 本研究的結論發現即使在加入控制變項後,「父母親情感支持關愛」對於青少年心理健康仍有 穩定的正向關係,代表父母親的溫暖給予對改善子女的心理健康極為重要;檢查「父母親情感支 持關愛」以及「父母親管教控制」兩者交互作用之後,發現「父母親管教控制」的效力會依不同 程度之「父母親情感支持關愛」而產生變化;進而得知:「父母親情感支持」對於「父母親管教控制」和青少年心理健康之負面效果產生了「緩衝」。


This study discusses the relation between parenting and adolescent mental health by using quantitative data. According to literature reference, we can distinguish “parenting” into two different parts which are “parental care” and “parental control”. This study uses TEPS(Taiwan Education Panel Survey) “Wave-2 student questionnaire” as the main analytic data. The respondents of this project are junior high school students and their parents. Besides, this study uses “Factor Analysis” to create the measure of adolescent mental health, making use of “OLS simple regression” to conduct statistical analysis. After controlling for economic change、marriage status、gender、family income and parental educational level, the regression model showed that “parental care” has a positive effect on adolescent mental health. However, the effect of “parental control” depends on the degree of “parental care”. These results also show the interaction between “parental care” and “parental control”, implying that “parental care” would provide the “buffer” effect for mediating the negative influence of “parental control” on adolescent mental health.


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