  • 學位論文


A Study on Beliefs and Legends of Chinese Flower God

指導教授 : 王國良


中國由於幅員遼闊、族群複雜,使得中國花神的形象呈現多元化的情況。透過「人」、「神話」、「俗文化」、「社會思想」四項角度,可得到花神對於「美感經驗與社會風俗的關係」、「創世神話與生殖文化的聯繫」、「自然崇拜與民間俗信之間的傳承」等等的議題上,具有非常重要的存在意義與價值,而這也是本論文研究花神相關議題時的中心。 本文以中國花神的「俗文化」部分為主要研究範圍,透過古典文獻資料的比對與考證、實地的田野調查資料來獲得直接或間接的論述依據,從分析相關神話傳說的故事情節切入議題,再輔以美學方法來從旁瞭解花神於「符號」及「象徵」表現上的內涵精神。 本論文共六大章,除首章緒論探討研究動機、目的、方法、範圍以及文獻回顧之外,依序的次章「中國花神信仰源流考」中主要探討中國各種花神信仰的興起與流變等議題;第三章「花神崇拜與生殖崇拜的內涵」則以花符號展現出來的生命意義來進行花神、創世神、生育神三種神格形象的轉變過程,也將臺灣地區獨特的花神(花公花婆)信仰之生殖內涵作相關的分析;第四章「花神信仰的節慶與文化」中主要為「花朝節」的歷史進行溯源,並歸納出與該日節慶有關的文化活動以及論述古今大陸地區花神廟的興建議題:第五章「花神對世俗之影響」著重於世俗層面來剖析花神崇拜帶給人文社會的影響,如:生殖情結、審美文化;終章「結論」的部分,歸結本研究成果,作統整性的總結,亦可供未來於相關領域上後續研究發展的伏筆。


Chinese flower gods shows diversity of images because of the extensive territory and various ethnic groups. We can find them very meaningful and valuable on several topics such as “The Relation between Esthetic Experience on Common Customs”, “The Connection between Legends of Universe’s creation and Generating Culture”, “Folk Beliefs’ Succession to Nature Adoration” through the four perspectives which includes human beings, legends, folk cultures and social thoughts. This study explores Chinese flower gods chiefly through the folk cultures. With classical documents and field investigation, I collect and compress the first-hand and secondhand materials as the basis of this research. I get into the topics by analyzing the stories of related legends and try to comprehend the meanings of flower gods’ symbols by employing esthetics. This thesis is divided into six chapters. The first chapter provides an introduction to the motivation, purpose, methods, scope, and reference source of this study. In the second chapter discusses mainly the origins and the transitions of the beliefs of Chinese flower gods. In chapter 3 “Meanings of Adoration for Flower Gods And for Reproduction”, with significant of life revealed by flower symbols, explains the conversion process of flower gods, Creator of the universe, and god of generating. It analyses also the meanings of generating about the beliefs of typical flower gods (god and goddess of flower) in Taiwan. In Chapter 4 “The Festival and Culture of Flower God Beliefs”, it traces back to the history of “flower-blooming festival”, generalizes the related events, and discusses topics about the construction of flower god temples in Mainland China. In Chapter 5 “Flower Gods’ Influence on Common Customs” anatomizes the influence that flower gods have on cultural society, such as generation complex and esthetic culture. The conclusion sums up the results of this study and suggests the possibility of successive research.




