  • 學位論文

宗教教誨對女性毒品再犯影響之研究- 以桃女監天主教慕道班為例

The Influence of Moral Instruction of Religion to the Recidivism of Female Drug-users – Case Study of “Quest for Truth Class of Catholic Church” in Taiwan Taoyuan Women’s Prison

指導教授 : 翁興利博士


毒品問題已成為全球性的犯罪、社會、施政問題,女性的毒品犯罪隨著社會多元發展而日益嚴重,不僅世界各國積極緝毒,打擊毒品犯罪,各種有關毒品的研究,不斷的推陳出新,提出建言,然而觀之各國的毒品犯罪人數及毒品再犯比率,卻不斷持續升高,不禁讓人質疑,何種戒毒處遇方式,才是具成效的戒毒模式。 本論文主要研究目的有二:一、宗教團體在監獄內對女性毒品犯罪受刑人所作的宗教教誨活動,是否足以讓女性毒品犯罪受刑人產生不再吸毒的效果?臺灣桃園女子監獄「天主教慕道班」之宗教教誨成效,是否能透過科學檢證來驗證其戒毒效果?二、本研究嘗試用社會科學實證的方法,實驗評估監獄內實施宗教教誨矯治方式,對女性毒品犯罪受刑人之矯治,是否能產生一定的成效?並希望藉此研究能對我國的矯治工作,提供一個有效的、科學的、具人文關懷的女性毒品犯罪矯治策略。 本研究係以文獻分析法歸納彙整相關理論、學說及研究論文,再以準實驗法針對實驗組及對照組進行描述性統計、卡方檢定、獨立樣本t檢定、變異數分析及回歸分析等統計分析,來檢定驗證本研究之假設。經本研究運用前述統計分析後發現:台灣桃園女子監獄女性毒品犯罪者,接受天主教慕道班宗教教誨後,在「是否再犯」的依變項影響上,雖無法達到統計分析上的顯著性差異,但不難看出實驗組與對照組兩組間再犯人數的差異,雖無很大的差距,但仍不能說無差異存在。因此,台灣桃園女子監獄天主教慕道班的宗教教誨活動,所具有的實質成效,是不容忽視或漠視的。雖說也發現經過宗教教誨之女性毒品犯再犯罪之比率確實有降低,但它的影響力是非長期有效的,出監後1年6個月,可能是宗教教誨影響力關鍵期,2年內可說是毒品犯再犯罪的高危險期。 宗教教誨的改變是屬於心靈層次的,有關接受者的個人屬性與條件,都未能影響其改變與否,所以,宗教教誨對人的改變是不分年齡、教育程度、犯次、婚姻與工作狀況及家庭支持程度。當接受者有很強的認同與順服時,即可能自發性、立即性的受到啟發與教化,使其從自己或他人的傷害中得到救贖,也可使其因受到鼓勵,而自我省察、自我改善,甚至使其充滿信心,勇往直前,不畏困難,並因此得到宗教治療的效果。因此,若能利用宗教豐富的資源,運用在毒品犯罪矯治上,雖說它並無長期的預防效果,但只要針對毒品犯之特性,配合適切的措施,增強其內在戒毒意志,提升其自我控制能力,警惕、協助、支持他們度過再犯高峰期,相信一定能提升矯治效果。


Drug problem have became the global dilemma with respect to crime, social, and political administration. As social development becomes more dynamic, female drug criminals have intensified its severity day by day. Despite countries tracking drug crimes eagerly, and various researches releasing new statement and proposition with relevance to the subject continuously. Nevertheless by observing narcotic crime in the number of people and reoccurrence rate in various countries, the narcotic crime statistics are rising progressively. As consequence, it raises the doubt of which prohibition methods that would constitute an effective mode in abstaining from narcotics. There are two primary objectives in this research: 1, From religious catechism activities that conducted by the religious group to female narcotic criminals in prisons, would there be sufficient effects generated in order to seize reoccurrence of narcotic -use in female criminals? The effects of catechism class from the religious group in Taiwan Tao-Yuan Female Prison, are there scientific examinations to verify with its efficiency? 2, This research attempt to adopt social science verification method to verify with the rehabilitation method of religious catechism, in which to clarify its effects of rehabilitation sufficiency on female narcotic criminal? As expectation, this research seeks to provide an effective, scientific, and culture solitude on female narcotic criminal rehabilitation strategy to rehabilitation operations in our nation. This research adopts literature review analysis to collect information from relevant theories, propositions, and research thesis; then apply Quasi experiment method on test group and contrast group to process Descriptive Statistics, Chi-square Test, Independent Sample T-test, ANOVA, Regression Analysis, and other various statistic tests; to verify with the hypothesis of this research. From the results of these statistic tests, it is discovered that: as to the variance influence of whether “reoccurrence” in female narcotic criminal after attending catechism class in Taiwan Tao-Yuan Female Prison, although the result did not reach statistical significant difference, it is somewhat apparent that there are difference in number of reoccurrence between test group and contrast group. In which the difference is insignificant, nonetheless the difference exists. Therefore, the activities of religious catechism constitute practical effects, and its effects cannot be ignored or neglected. Although the reoccurrence rate of female narcotic criminal have decreased after religious catechism, its effects of influence are not substantial in long-term. From the post-release within 1~6 months, it is considered possibly as the critical period on the influence of religious catechism; and as for narcotic-use reoccurrence, it is identified that high-danger period is from the post-release within 2 years. The change of religious catechism is classified as physiological perspective, which cannot influence irrespective of characters and conditions of the receiver. Therefore, the change from religious catechism is not restricted to age, education level, number of occurrence, marital and employment status and family support level. As the receiver generates strong recognition and obedience, it is possible for spontaneous and immediate enlightenment and cultivation, which resurrect from the harms of self and by others, and receives encouragement for self-inspection, self-improvement, or even fulfill with confidence to move forward and defy difficulties; and consequence from the effects of religious rehabilitation. Therefore, from the application of utilizing the affluent resources of religion in narcotic crime rehabilitation, although there are no effects of prevention in the long-term, regards to focusing on the character of criminal, in coincide with appropriate mechanism to robust its rehabilitate will, and raise self-control, awareness, and assistance, to support them through reoccurrence peak-period; it is believed that the effects of rehabilitation can be advanced.


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