  • 學位論文


A Study on Variables Influencing Attitudinal Loyalty and Behavioral Loyalty: A Case of Starbucks

指導教授 : 陳澤義




This research investigates that whether brand image, store image, and promotion influence attitudinal loyalty and behavioral loyalty through perceived quality and perceived risk or not in Starbucks. This study uses SPSS and LISREL to test the hypothesis and collect questionnaires from Taipei using quota sampling method. The empirical results from our research indicate that brand image and store image significantly influence both attitudinal loyalty and behavioral loyalty through perceived quality and perceived risk. The empirical results in this research offer some information for Starbucks managers to use these three factors to enhance customer loyalty in both attitudinal and behavioral aspects. The most useful way is that they can emphasize their nice store image, store atmosphere and environment to let customers feel high quality and satisfy their services, and then customers may be attitudinal and behavioral loyal to Starbucks. Managers can also focus on their brand image quality to underline their unique brand personality and products differentiation. Consequently, Starbucks managers can use empirical results from our study to develop their marketing strategy and make their customers become more loyal to them in both attitudinal and behavioral aspects.


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