  • 學位論文

臺灣清代方志研究 - 以府、廳、縣志為例

A study of local chronicles in Taiwan during Ching Dynasty:The case of local chronicles of prefecture、subprefecture and county

指導教授 : 張勝彥


方志是傳統中國官府為了掌控地方,而編纂的地方所有知識之匯集,內容包羅萬象,是具有地理學、人文社會科學之濃厚史書性質的百科全書。明清以來,中國出現大量方志,而在西元1662年,大清帝國正式領有臺灣後,這項優良傳統也從大陸傳來臺灣。 本論文分為五章。第一章〈緒論〉,主要內容為研究動機暨目的、近年來研究成果回顧、研究方法暨研究範圍、論文架構等四部份。第二章〈纂修之緣起〉,分為兩部分,第一節探討臺灣清代之行政區之沿革;第二節則探究臺灣清代方志之纂修與《大清一統志》、《福建省通志》、《臺灣省通志》有何關連。第三章〈參與之人員與經費〉,此章則針對參與纂修之人員之出身背景、官職與否及纂修之經費來源做一探究。第四章〈體例與內容〉,本章分為第一節府廳志、第二節縣志兩大部分,分別探討其體例與內容。第五章〈結論〉。


臺灣 方志 府志 廳志 縣志


The local chronicle is the traditional China Government authorities to control the place, but compiles collection of the place all knowledge, the content is comprehensive, has the geography, the humanities social sciences the thick history book nature encyclopedia. Since the Ming and Qing Dynasties, China has presented the massive local chronicles, but in 1662, after the Qing Dynasty empire possesses Taiwan officially, this fine tradition also from the mainland transmits Taiwan. The present paper divides into five chapters. The first chapter , primary coverage for research motive and goal, recent years research results review, research technique and range of study, paper construction and so on four parts. The second chapter , divides into two parts, first discusses evolution of administrative area of the Taiwan Qing Dynasty; The second section inquired into that compiling of the Taiwan Qing Dynasty local chronicle with "Qing Dynasty Chronicle ", "Fujian Province Chronicle ", "Taiwan Province Chronicle " has what correlation. The third chapter , this rules in view of participation compile family background of background, the government position the personnel or not and compile the funds origin to make an inquisition. The fourth chapter, this chapter divides into the first local chronicles of prefecture、subprefecture, the second local chronicles of county two major parts, discusses its style and the content separately. The fifth chapter , the conclusion.


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