  • 學位論文


A Study on Effectiveness of Auto theft Prevention with ID on Auto Major Parts – A Case in Taoyuan County

指導教授 : 侯崇文


國內汽車數量龐大,汽車幾乎已成為家庭必備的交通工具。然而由於地理與社會因素,國內汽車缺乏個人的保管與停放空間,加以各維修廠、中古車行等對汽車零件的需求,導致早年有相當多的不法汽車解體工廠,銷贓管道暢通,因此過去汽車竊盜相當嚴重,平均每天都有一百多輛汽車遭竊。 為有效減少汽車竊盜案件之發生,警政單位過去曾採取許多汽車防竊的專案與措施,並加強贓車之查緝。而較大的汽車防竊措施變革是警政署於2007年起公佈的「小客車、小客貨兩用車、小貨車及大型重型機器腳踏車特定零組件加設防竊辨識碼作業規定」,即俗稱的「汽車烙碼」,強制2007年10月起,所有新車申領牌照時或代理商進口後,必須於至少十五處零組件上加設防竊辨識碼。期望透過加強財產辨識程度,增加竊賊銷贓時的困難,進而達到嚇止其行竊的目的。 本文從理性選擇理論、日常活動理論與情境犯罪預防的概念作為基礎,以桃園地區各分局的汽車竊盜資料,探討強制汽車烙印辨識碼後,對汽車失竊率及失竊破獲率的影響,並檢視其可能造成的利益擴散與犯罪轉移情形。 本研究結果發現,新出廠車輛加設防竊辨識碼後,確實造成犯罪標的的轉移,烙碼初期由於竊賊的預期心理,因此行竊時特別針對未烙碼的舊型車輛,造成短暫的失竊率上升,但就長期而言,汽車烙碼確實有效降低汽車失竊率,且較同時期其他汽車防竊相關策略造成更大的衝擊。值得注意的是,本研究也發現汽車烙碼對警方在汽車竊盜之破獲率上,並沒有明顯的幫助。 根據研究結果,本文建議要防止汽車失竊仍應從「強化標的物」與「減少銷贓管道」著手,並結合防盜設備的運用、停車地區的警備以及社區互助關係,以各項措施打消竊賊動機,以達到減少竊盜犯罪率之目的。


In Taiwan, there’s a large number of cars, and it has almost become a household essential transport. Due to geographical and social factors, the lack of domestic automobile personal parking space, and the auto parts needs of the car repair workshop and used car dealers, resulting in the development of a considerable number of illegal car factories, and disposal of stolen goods smoothing, so car theft is very serious in the early years. The average every day over one hundred cars stolen. In order to effectively reduce the incidence of car theft cases, police units have been taken in the past many project of automobile anti-theft measures, and to strengthen the investigation of the stolen vehicle. One of the car anti-theft measures by the National Police Administration announced in 2007, is the “Regulations of specific parts additional anti-theft identification code in passenger cars, small vans, small trucks and heavy motorcycle” , commonly known as auto marking. The regulations mandatory since October 2007, all new vehicles to apply for a license or imported by agents, must be at least fifteen components on additional anti-theft ID code. Expectations through the strengthening identification of the property, increasing the difficulties of thieves to fence, and thus deter its theft. In this paper, the concept of rational choice theory, routine activity theory and situational crime prevention as a basis for auto theft information to each branch of the Taoyuan area, explore the effectiveness of the car theft rate and theft clearance rate after Compulsory Automobile mark identification code, and discuss the interest spread and crime may be caused by the transfer situation. The results showed that the new vehicles with additional anti-theft ID code is indeed caused by the transfer of the subject of crime. Due to the expectations of the thief, so the act of stealing, especially older vehicles with no ID code, resulting in increase the rate of car theft in short-term. But in the long-term, the auto marking does effectively reduce the rate of car theft, and result in greater impact than other anti-theft strategies during the same period. It is noteworthy that this study also found that the auto marking does not help the police car theft clearance rate apparently. Based on the findings, this study suggests that to prevent car theft should continue to "strengthen the subject matter" and "to reduce the disposal of stolen goods channel" to proceed, and combined with the use of anti-theft devices, the security of the parking areas, and the support of community relationship. Through various measures to discourage thieves motivation, and achieving the purpose of reducing theft crime.


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