  • 學位論文


A Study on Book Collection of Zhao Qi-Mei

指導教授 : 王國良


趙琦美(1563─1624)(下文省稱為趙氏),為明中葉名聞一時的常熟藏書家,其父趙用賢亦 為藏書豐厚的大家,圖書爾後傳承與趙氏,趙氏構築脈望館藏書樓貯存藏書,所撰《脈望館書目》 紀錄收藏典籍,總計收有4515種書籍、墨刻、碑帖及古玩,經史子集四部合計200224本典籍。 趙氏收藏志趣廣泛,除有古今典籍外,也將觸角拓展至民間俗文學,歷來多以海內孤本《脈望館 鈔校本古今雜劇》成就最受人矚目,現存有242種雜劇、共64冊,存放於北京圖書館。在臺灣 與中國大陸方面,尚無研究趙氏藏書事蹟專書,論文多以《脈望館鈔校本古今雜劇》內容討論為 主,是故,學生以趙氏藏書研究為核心,延伸至常熟藏書、趙氏生平、藏書來源、藏書特色、《脈 望館書目》等層面,願能面面俱到地呈現這位一代宗師之藏書成就。 本研究共分為七章。第一章「緒論」部分,敘寫研究動機、研究範圍與研究方法,再佐以呈 現相關研究成果,令本研究重心更加清楚。第二章是「常熟地區藏書風氣的興起與發展」,旨在探 討常熟藏書歷史背景,第一節說明宋元時常熟地區藏書風氣興起乃因地靈人傑;第二節敘述明清 時常熟地區藏書風氣發展與政府提倡、經濟起飛與風尚薰陶息息相關。第三章為「趙琦美生平、 交遊及其作品」,第一節、第二節、第五節闡述趙氏家世淵源、生平背景與事蹟、子孫事略,以知 曉趙氏家族背景;第三節說明趙氏與同道之交流情形,令學術資訊流通,為其聚書一重要方式; 第四節明列趙氏著書、鈔書、刊書之範疇,可知書籍種類多樣。第四章則細心探究「趙琦美藏書 來源、種類及特色」,各為第一、二、三節,藏書來源涵蓋繼承舊藏、蒐羅購買、鈔補積累及友人 餽贈;藏書種類以三方面梳理,分別是《脈望館書目》所載典籍、確為趙氏藏書但《脈望館書目》未 載者和海內孤本《脈望館鈔校本古今雜劇》;趙氏藏書特色歸類為四項,即是窮搜博采、借鈔讎校 、撰寫序跋與構築書樓。第五章深入《脈望館書目》一書,以「趙琦美《脈望館書目》研究」為 主體,分成四節予以敘寫其傳世版本、著錄典籍、分類體例及藏書統計、收書特色。第六章是「 趙琦美藏書價值及影響」,趙氏藏書價值區分為勘誤補殘,以成全璧、流通廣泛,澤被後世兩點 論述,而藏書影響舉出錢謙益、錢曾、黃丕烈等人為例,由家族交情、好古佞宋、校書、鈔書、 刻書、圖書遞藏層面分析,以彰顯其藏書成就對後世的貢獻。第七章為「結論」,綜合上述之研 究成果與心得,並對其作一全面性的總結。 關鍵字:趙琦美、藏書、《脈望館書目》、明代常熟


Zhao Qi Mei (1563-1624) (hereinafter referred to as Zhao), a mid-Ming famous bibliophile in Changshu, whose father, Zhao Yon Qian, is also known as a great bibliophile. Zhao inherited all the collections from her father and organized all the collections stored in Mai Won House. The catalogue, The Catalogue of Mai Won House, he established, includes 4515 books, ink engravings, stone rubbings, and antiques. Four collections of classical and historical books are 2000224 in total. Zhao has a wide variety of interests in collecting books. His collections not only include books in different eras, but also folklore. Among those collections, Maiwangguanchao Ancient Drama attracts the most attention. The catalogue now contains 242 Zaju in 64 books, stored in Bejing Library. No matter in Taiwan or China, there is still no research about Zhao’s collections. Most of the researches focus on the content of Maiwangguanchao Ancient Drama. Therefore, this research puts its emphasis on Zhao’s collections itself, and covers some discussions about the book collections in Changshu, biography of the Zhao family, the source and features of the book collections, and The Catalogue of Mai Won House, in the hope of showing Zhao’s achievement from every aspect. The study is divided into seven chapters. The first chapter, “The Introduction,” discusses the research motivation, scope, and methods. Some research results are also shown here in order to clarify the theme of the research. Chapter Two, “The rise and development of the book collections in Changshu,” aims at the historical background of the book collections in Changshu. The first section explains that the rise of the book collections in Changshu in Song and Yuan Dynasty comes from the right environment and people at that time. The second section focuses on the relation between the book collections in Changshu in Ming and Qin Dynasty and the government, economy, and fashion at that time. In the third chapter, “The biography and works of Zhao Qi Mei,” the first, second, and fifth sections describe the biography of the Zhao family. The third section shows that the way Zhao makes friends with other bibliophiles also influences the way she collects books. The fourth section lists out the scope of Zhao’s book collections. Chapter Four includes a thorough discussion on the source, types, and features of Zhao’s collections. The books come from her heritage, purchases, copy, and friends. The types of her collections can be discussed from three aspects, the books in The Catalogue of Mai Won House, the books not listed in The Catalogue of Mai Won House, and Maiwangguanchao Ancient Drama. As for the features of the collections, this study lists four. Chapter Five looks at The Catalogue of Mai Won House from four aspects, different versions, the listed books, the catalogue itself, and its features. In Chapter Six, “The value and the influence of Zhao’s collections,” the study discusses the value of Zhao’s collections from two aspects and exemplifies JIAN,QIAN-YI, JIAN,ZENG, and HUANG,PI-LIEto show the influence of her collections for the generations hereafter. The last chapter, “Conclusion,” synthesizes the discussions in the previous chapters and gives a summary of the research. Keywords: Zhao Qi Mei, book collections, The Catalogue of Mai Won House, Ming Dynasty, Changshu


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