  • 學位論文


The Techniques of Neutralization and the Violation of the “Fair Use” of Copyright Law among School Teachers

指導教授 : 周愫嫻


翻轉教室的流行風吹拂整個臺灣校園,開創教師臻於有效教學的美麗新境界。驟然間,教學方式百花齊放,其中又以播放影音媒體素材最為討喜。曾幾何時,整排教室儼然形同一條電影街。然而當教師使用影音媒體等資源之際,往往忽略著作權法合理使用之圭臬,導致著作權侵害情事之發生。惟盱衡過往有關著作權法「合理使用」之文獻,其研究工具大抵皆未逸脫文獻探討法、比較研究法等,致使論述層次始終囿限於法制規範,尚難穿透行為人之內在動機。 緣於此,本研究自行設計問卷,以「欠缺違法性認識」與「中立化技巧」等兩個構念設計,並以紙本問卷,針對臺北市與新北市國中教師為對象,抽樣300名教師,試圖探討國中教師對教學上著作權可能侵害(未能符合著作權法「合理使用」規範)以及影響因素。研究結果重要發現: 一、 任教科目不同的教師,在「欠缺著作權法之違法性認識」、「中立化技巧」與「教學上著作權可能侵害」等題項,皆具有顯著差異。 二、具有博士學位教師在「中立化技巧」與「教學上著作權可能侵害」得分顯著高於 大學學歷教師與碩士學歷教師。 三、「欠缺違法性認識」、「中立化技巧」與「教學上著作權可能侵害」等各個構念之間 均呈現顯著相關。 四、「欠缺違法性認識」得分愈高,「中立化技巧」得分也愈高;且「欠缺違法性認識」 會透過「中立化技巧」(其中又以「訴諸更高權威」更為明顯),顯著影響「教學上 著作權可能侵害」之行為。 基於前述發現,本文提出教學上著作權侵害防治策略,除了建議可採法治教育做為良方之外,更主張道德觀點不應無限上綱,宜考量公益色彩濃厚之教育立場及教學所需,多從充實教學資源途徑著手,以降低教師違反著作權法合理使用規制之頻率,且避免使教師成為驚弓之鳥而退縮使用他人豐富多元的著作,以致減損有效教學之可能性。 關鍵字: 著作權、合理使用、違法性錯誤、中立化技巧


Among the various high school teaching methods, the most popular one among teachers is to play audio and video media in the classroom. However, teachers often overlook the possible violation of the Copyright Law, particularly the “fair use” article, when they do so. Previous literature regarding "fair use" of copyright law mainly focuses on the comparative experiences across countries, with very little discussion about the main users or the “norms” of the users. Nor has previous research explored the motivation of such users. A questionnaire was designed by the author based on two constructs: the extent of awareness of illegality of such acts and the techniques of neutralization to analyze the reasoning school teachers employ when they played unauthorized audio or video in classroom. 300 Taipei City and New Taipei City Junior High School Teachers were sampled. Main findings are (1) Teaching subject was significantly associated with unawareness of their illegal acts, neutralization techniques and actual violations of copy right among teachers; (2) the more highly educated teachers are, the more neutralization, and more engagement in infringing copyright in classroom; (3) there are significant relationships between unawareness of illegality, the techniques of neutralization and actual engagement in infringing copyright; and finally (4) the higher unawareness of illegality, the higher neutralization techniques teachers are, furthermore, neutralization, particularly is significant for the “appeal to higher loyalties” as a mediator between unawareness of illegality and the actual violation of copyright among teachers. This study recommends prevention measures for schools and teachers, including enhancing the legal knowledge of school teachers. On the other hand, the study also calls for a re-thinking of the balance of copyright law and the wider public interest. Without rich resources and budgets, schools and teachers cannot possibly afford to buy the copyrights of all video and audio for teaching. This study argues that there should a sufficient flexibility in law to allow teachers to use them in a “fair” way and for the sake of education. Keywords:copyright law, “fair use” article, unawareness of illegal acts, the Techniques of Neutralization


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