  • 學位論文


Bullying Bystanders’ Perceive and Actual Responses

指導教授 : 林育聖


本研究希望探討旁觀者在面對校園霸凌事件發生時之反應行為模式(增強霸凌者、完全中立者、保護被霸凌者)差異,將影響因素分為「個人因素」和「情境因素」,分析此等因素對於旁觀者「實際反應行為」及「應有反應行為」之決策歷程影響,並提出相關具體改善建議,以達到中止並預防校園霸凌事件之終極目標。 本研究使用「中學生校園生活經驗調查問卷」,內容包含五個部份,分別為「個人資料」、「人際互動反應指標量表」、「自我效能量表」、「社會期許量表」和「校園霸凌經驗量表」。透過描述性統計、線性迴歸和類別迴歸之方式進行分析,研究結果發現: 一、 個人因素和情境因素對旁觀者反應行為之影響 1. 影響旁觀者實際反應行為之因素 本研究根據問卷分析發現影響旁觀者實際反應行為之因素有四項,分別為「霸凌事件嚴重程度」、「旁觀者和霸凌者之關係」、「旁觀者和被害者之關係」及「霸凌事件為言語類型」。 2. 影響旁觀者應有反應行為之因素 本研究根據問卷分析發現影響旁觀者應有反應行為之因素有兩項,分別為「旁觀者和被害者之關係」及「被害者人緣」。 二、 旁觀者應有反應行為之分析 1. 影響旁觀者選擇不作為或作為之因素 本研究根據問卷分析發現影響旁觀者選擇不作為或作為之因素有三項,分別為「旁觀者年級」、「同理心」及「霸凌事件嚴重程度」。 2. 影響旁觀者選擇尋求協助或積極介入之因素 本研究根據問卷分析發現影響旁觀者選擇尋求協助或積極介入之因素有兩項,分別為「同理心」和「旁觀者和被害者的關係」。 三、 旁觀者實際反應行為和應有反應行為之落差 本研究根據問卷分析發現影響旁觀者實際反應行為和應有反應行為落差之因素有兩項,分別為「旁觀者和霸凌者之關係」及「旁觀者和被害者之關係」。


反應行為 旁觀者 校園霸凌


The study discusses the different bystanders’ reactions (supporters, disengaged onlookers and defenders) to observing school bullying incidents. The influences of personal and situational factors on bystanders’ actual and perceivable behavioral reactions were examined. School Life Questionnaire, which was composed of empathy scale, social desirability scale, school bully bystander survey, self-efficacy scale, and demographic items, were developed to measure the bystanders’ reactions, personal, and situational factors. The results indicated that: 1. The effects of personal and situational factors on bystanders’ reactions a. Four factors could significantly affect the bystanders’ actual behavioral reactions, which including the severe level of bullying events, the relationship between bystander and the bully, the relationship between bystander and the victim and the verbal bullying. b. Two factors could significantly affect the bystanders’ perceivable behavioral reactions: 1) the relationship between bystander and victim; 2) interpersonal relationship of victim. 2. The decision process of bystanders’ perceivable reactions a. To help victim or not Three factors could predict bystanders to be disengaged onlookers or defenders, which were bystanders’ grade, empathy, and the severity of bully events. b. To help the victim directly or indirectly Two factors were revealed that could influence bystanders’ choice to help victim directly or indirectly, which are empathy, and the relationship between bystander and the victim. 3. The discrepancy between bystanders’ actual and perceivable behavioral reactions The current study concluded that two factors would cause the discrepancy between bystanders’ actual and perceivable behavioral reactions, which were the relationship between bystander and the bully, and the relationship between bystander and the victim.


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