  • 學位論文


The Effect of Self-Efficacy on Organizational Identification Under Organizational Change and The Role of Task Interdependence

指導教授 : 林俊佑


組織變革已成為組織為了維持競爭性與永續發展下的重要手段與策略之一,管理者期許透過這些改變,能使組織順應內部與外部的競爭環境,並改善組織的效率及效益,而對於人力資源管理而言,便是要去思考如何幫助組織內的員工去順應組織變革,因為在組織變革下,員工皆會有不同的知覺、感受與行為,如員工會產生對於職業生涯的不確定感,在職業生涯的不確定感之下,自我效能對於個體而言便扮演著重要的角色,自我效能對於個體行為設定的選擇有很大的影響自我效能的高低便是驅使員工去知覺其能力是否能去應對組織所帶來的變革,因此,在變革的環境下瞭解員工知覺與感受的變化是很重要的,故本篇研究便是在探討,在員工經歷了組織變革的不確定感後,個體對於其自身執行任務能力之信心程度,也就是自我效能,是否會影響到其個體對組織的認同感,除此之外,本篇研究亦檢驗任務依賴性在自我效能與組織認同間的調節效果。 本篇研究以臺灣電信產業為樣本發放公司,回收有效樣本共234份,其結果顯示,自我效能對組織認同間有正向的影響,自發性任務依賴則在自我效能與組織認同間具有正向調節的影響;而誘發性任務依賴則在自我效能與組織認同間具有負向調節的效果;惟報酬性任務依賴在自我效能與組織認同間不具有調節的效果。


This study examined the relationships between individual self-efficacy and organizational identification under organizational change and explored the moderating effects of task interdependence. Surveys were distributed to employees in a restructured telecommunications company in Taiwan. A total of 234 valid responses were received. There are several important results were found. First, the self-efficacy of employees was positively associated with organizational identification. Second, initiated task interdependence acted as a moderator between self-efficacy and organizational identification such that self-efficacy more positively related to organizational identification when employees’ initiated task interdependence was higher. Third, received task interdependence acted as a negative moderator between self-efficacy and organizational identification such that self-efficacy less positively related to organizational identification when employee’s received task interdependence was higher. Finally, outcome task interdependence didn’t play as a moderator role in the self-efficacy and organizational identification.


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