  • 學位論文

穿戴式智慧型裝置採用決策之研究: 以樂齡族為實證情境

An Investigation of Users’ Adoption Decision-Making Processes Regarding Wearable Devices

指導教授 : 蔡顯童 楊運秀


隨著醫療與科技日益進步、網際網路普及,智慧行動裝置隨處可見。然而在低出生率、低死亡率的現今,台灣已逐步邁入高齡化社會,要如何運用這些智慧行動裝置與樂齡族的生活作結合,建構一個更安全、舒適、便利與高品質的生活環境,已經成為當前國內外研究發展刻不容緩的重要議題。過去已有學者針對樂齡族照護的政策、產業與技術發展(Wang et al., 2012) 進行相關的探討,而本研究主要目的是針對年齡50歲以上的樂齡族,以蘋果公司所新推出的Apple Watch此穿戴式智慧型裝置為研究工具,探討樂齡族對於新興的智慧型隨身裝置的使用意向,期望能瞭解影響樂齡族意向的關鍵因素。 過去研究顯示,消費者進行購買決策或選擇產品時,常常會取決於產品帶給消費者怎樣的價值感受,而產品所產生不同的價值感受亦會影響使用者的知覺反應。在參考過去科技接受理論中的知覺反應,瞭解知覺有用性以及知覺易用性是主要影響使用者態度的關鍵因素,知覺反應也與往後的使用行為有著相關影響。因此本研究參考產品消費價值構念,綜合歸納出三大消費價值類型─功利性、享樂性、社交性價值,探討不同的價值來源對知覺有用性的影響程度,並納入使用者特質與知覺易用性作為干擾變數,一同探究樂齡族對穿戴式智慧型裝置的使用意向。 於研究實證的部分,本研究係以台灣地區50歲以上之樂齡人口為研究母體,以簡單抽樣方式於街頭發放紙本問卷,並要求受試者於觀賞影片與實體操作後再進行問卷填答。回收問卷經過濾刪減後,最終有效問卷為283份,接著以SmartPLS3.0進行量化分析。研究發現:產品消費價值中的功利性與社交性價值正向影響知覺有用性,其中功利性價值影響程度最大;而開放性人格特質會正向加強樂齡族對於穿戴式智慧型裝置的使用意向,但在知覺易用性的部分,其對於使用意向並沒有顯著的干擾效果。本研究重要的貢獻在於以穿戴式智慧型裝置這樣新穎的科技產品,探討影響樂齡族使用意向的關係過程,並發現享樂性產品消費價值以及產品知覺易用性並不會於本研究情境間產生正向顯著的影響,這項結果為過去的研究發現創立了一個新的觀點。本研究結果對於廠商及政府而言,具有深遠且重要的管理意涵及參考依據,能協助他們找出影響樂齡族使用意向的主要影響力,進一步提供產品設計與行銷策略制定未來方向。


The aim of this thesis is to investigate the factors of the wearable devices in elders’ situation. With the advancement of technology, our lives become more and more convenient. However, how to combine the technology product with elderly life and makes their life easier? We first want to know what the factors influence elders use the technology product. In the past, literates have used the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to explore Model of Consumer Behavior for the new technology products. In addition to understanding further relationship between intention to use and consumption value for technology products, therefore the Consumption Value Theory combined with the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) will be used in this research. Moreover, we use users’ personality traits as moderator, openness, to examine whether this variable have moderating effects on the elderly use intention. In the empirical study, we played introduction video about wearable devices for them and let them try to use the wearable devices –Apple Watch. Totally, we took back 283 effective questionnaires. And then, we use SmartPLS 2 did our experimental analysis. The result shows that utilitarian value and social value significantly affect the perceived usefulness of elder. Moreover, a personality trait of openness appears positive moderating effects on the perceived usefulness and the intention of the elderly applying wearable devices. However, hedonic value does not significantly affect the perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use does not enhance the intention of the elderly applying wearable devices. Based on the finding, we highly recommend the manufacturer should focus on exploring the needs of the older people, including telehealthcare, medical care and social activities. Our study is supposed to assist sellers to find the factor which is really affect users’ adoption decision-making in wearable devices.


林佳慧、丘周萍(2002) 。運動之概念分析。護理雜誌,49(6),83-88。
