  • 學位論文


Applying Kansei Engineering for New Location Selection - A Case of Individual Coffee Shops in Taipei City

指導教授 : 蕭宇翔


咖啡產業在臺灣蓬勃發展,隨著國人飲食習慣改變,走進咖啡店品嚐咖啡的風氣盛行,有意投入咖啡店創業的經營者亦愈來愈多。在連鎖咖啡店林立之競爭環境下,個性咖啡店(Individual Coffee Shop)也以其獨有的風格吸引了特定顧客。在咖啡店經營之關鍵成功因素中,又以「店址選擇」為首要決策,良好的店面位址對於一間店的經營成敗,具有絕對的影響力。   過去餐飲業者在選址決策上,通常僅站在經營者的角度做考量,目的為降低營運成本及獲取利潤,容易忽略到顧客的感受。店址區位條件是顧客走進店家之前,對其的第一印象,對於經營者而言,了解哪些店址區位因素與感受為顧客所重視的,並擬定相關選址策略,是值得探討的問題。   感性工學(Kansei Engineering)是一種顧客導向的產品開發技術,能將顧客對產品的感受轉化為設計要素。本研究應用此技術來輔助店址選擇決策,並以臺北市個性咖啡店為探討對象,在相關顧客感性與區位特性蒐集完成後,結合專家意見與量化方法定義出候選感性,亦利用特徵疲勞(Feature Fatigue)的概念進一步找出能影響顧客感受並為顧客所重視的有效特性。接著利用偏最小平方法(Partial Least Squares, PLS)分析感性與特性之間的關聯性,以及兩者與來店意願之關聯性,綜合上述分析結果形成最能滿足顧客感受之選址組合。最後整合顧客感性與經營者觀點加以權衡,提出一套創新店址評選模式,給予業者選址策略建議。


Coffee industry has already flourished in Taiwan. Following changes in dietary habits, more and more people come into the coffee shops and enjoy drinking cups of coffee. In addition, an increasing number of people have chosen to set up their own coffee shop. Under the highly competitive environment of chain coffee brands, individual coffee shops have unique styles to attract specific customers. Location selection is one of critical factors for a shop to achieve success. An effective location can positively impact on the shop.   Based on previous researches, the location evaluation for food and beverage industry was usually from managers’ point of view. Their main goal is raising profitability in order to maximum revenue, while ignore customers’ feelings. However, location considerations are served as the first impression to customers before they walk into a shop, especially for an individual coffee shop. Therefore, managers have to realize what customers really need and know their feelings, then draw up related strategies.   Kansei Engineering is a customer-oriented technology for product development, which can transform customers’ real feelings into design elements. This research applied Kansei Engineering for new location selection, and treated individual coffee shops in Taipei City as the targets. After collecting customers’ Kansei perceptions and properties related to location considerations, this research integrated expert opinions and quantitative methods to identify candidate Kansei, and adopted the concept of feature fatigue to eliminate properties as well.   This research applied partial least squares (PLS) to analyze the relationship between Kansei, properties and willingness to visit. The results above could show how customers’ feelings relate to the location considerations and lead to customers’ behavioral intentions. Finally, this research integrated both customers’ and managers’ views to establish a location selection model for industry references.


周三寶(2011)。台北都會區中餐廳選址之因素探討(未出版碩士論文)。臺北科技大學工業工程與管理系 EMBA 班。
邱皓政(2011)。當 PLS遇上SEM:議題與對話。αβγ量化研究學刊,3 (1),20-53。
