  • 學位論文


A Study of the Relationship between O2O Shopping and Brand Preference: An Integrated Perspective of MOA and TAM

指導教授 : 張惠真


無線網路蓬勃發展,帶動無線通訊的應用與智慧型手機及行動上網的普及,使得虛擬和實體通路的疆界逐漸模糊。而線上對線下(online to offline, O2O)虛實整合的新購物模式,不單為企業帶來新的成長契機,也帶給消費者在購物時更多的好處。本研究整合知覺風險、動機-機會-能力及科技接受模式,探討顧客採用O2O購物與品牌偏好的關係,以作為企業在擬訂通路整合策略時之參考。 研究資料採用便利抽樣,以網路問卷方式針對20歲以上具購買能力之成人進行調查,共計回收有效問卷300份。本研究採用驗證性因素分析(CFA)進行量表之信、效度分析後,再以階層迴歸分析來檢驗本研究之假說。結果發現:(1)O2O購物方式的動機、機會、能力正向影響知覺有用性,且機會及能力分別對動機與知覺有用性之關係具有正向調節效果。(2)O2O購物的知覺風險負向影響知覺有用性。(3)知覺有用性正向影響品牌偏好。(4)由是否具有O2O購物經驗做分群分析發現:有O2O購物經驗者對風險的敏感度較全體低且能力對動機和知覺有用性有調節作用,反之無O2O購物經驗者,除了對有動機具顯著性外,其他變數均不顯著。而從人口統計變數資料結構分析顯示是否具O2O購物經驗和不同年齡的消費者則在動機、機會和知覺有用性有顯著差異。而其他人口統計變數如性別、學歷等均不顯著。 企業要發展O2O購物模式,應掌握四大個重點:(1)驅動消費者的使用動機是首要關鍵。(2)積極建構O2O發展的條件,可以提高使用動機。(3)提高資訊安全的管理與加強服務品質可降低消費者對風險的疑慮並提升使用意願。(4)分群推廣及行銷有助與對O2O購物的採用:區分有O2O購物經驗與沒有O2O購物經驗和針對不同年齡層設計使用平台與推廣活動提高其使用的動機,能提高其對知覺有用的的認知。


Development of wireless technology and popularize of smartphones blur the boundaries of virtual and physical. A new business model of integrating online to offline (O2O) shopping patterns emerges. It brings not only new opportunities for enterprises, but also gives consumers more benefits when shopping. This study integrated the perspectives of perceived risk, MOA, and TAM model to expolre the relationship of O2O shopping and brand preference. The findings of this study provide reference for developing channel integration strategies. The data presented in this study were collected from an online (web-based) survey of Taiwanese consumers (n=300) using convenience sampling. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) is adopted to examine the reliability and validity of measurement. And the study uses regression analysis to verify the hypotheses. The results show that: (1) the motivations, opportunities and abilities in O2O Shopping have positive impact on perceived usefulness, and opportunities and abilities moderate motivations and perceived usefulness respectively. (2) Perceived risk has a negative influence on perceived usefulness. (3) Perceived usefulness positively affect brand preference. (4)Whether to have O2O shopping experience and age affect motivation, opportunity and perceived usefulness.


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