  • 學位論文


The Effect of Individual Emotional Capital toward Organizational Citizenship Behavior–Moderating Variables of Life Satisfaction

指導教授 : 劉仲矩


近年來,外在環境快速變遷,壓力及挫折遠超過個人能力所能承受的範圍,往往讓人無法面對,愈來愈多的人以自殺作為終結情緒的出口,情緒資本近來受到更多學者關注及廣泛討論,也是值得探討的議題。經營管理好情緒資本,有助於人際溝通,企業組織照顧好員工的情緒,員工內在心理素質穩定,可替組織企業創造財富,企業也可獲得累積更多智慧資本。情緒失調會造成生活憂慮,緊張、工作家庭角色衝突嚴重影響到職場憂鬱、阻礙學習發展,然而個人在組織扮演角色的過程中,若是情緒管理不當、情緒失調,對組織企業缺乏向心力,會使企業績效不彰生產力下降。本研究欲從個人情緒資本來探討組織公民行為與生活滿意三者之間關係。本文欲藉由企業在挑選員工時,聘僱到好的情緒管理者,除能夠在職場中盡責本分,還會主動協助同事,給予他人協助,對組織產生認同感,願意投入參與組織企業活動,抗壓性高的員工會產生樂觀積極態度,可將注意力高度集中於工作中,促使組織企業整體績效提升,以生活滿意為干擾因子,進一步了解三者之間交互關聯性。 本研究以434位各產業類別上班族為對象,使用階層迴歸分析法,研究結果顯示「個人情緒資本」對於「組織公民行為」有顯著差異,「生活滿意」對於「組織公民行為」有顯著差異,且「生活滿意」確實有干擾效果。綜上所述,員工是公司最重要的資產,期盼本研究結果能對未來企業主在進行選、用、育、留時,關懷員工情緒,激發員工熱情與工作動能,挑選適當的人才,發揮組織最大效益,提升股東價值。


Recently, the rapid change on external environment has caused that the pressure and frustration exceed the limit one can endure. More and more people committed suicide as the exit of terminating emotion problems which they are incapable to face. Emotional capital thus attracts a number of studies. A good emotional management for emotional capital is beneficial to interpersonal communication. An organization which takes care of his employees’ emotion can stabilize their psychological quality. The employees can create the wealth for their organization, which thus accumulate more intelligent capitals. An emotional imbalance will cause anxiety and tension in life and the conflict of the role for work and for family will incur office depression and hinder the learning and development. In the process of the role for work, an improper emotional management or emotional imbalance will lose the centripetal force to the employee and this will hurt the organizational performance and decrease the productivity. This study investigates the relationships among personal emotional capital, organizational citizenship behavior, and life satisfaction. When an organization recruits employees with good emotional management, the employees can not only do their own jobs but also help the other employees. They can make organizational commitment and devote themselves to organizational activities. The employees with high stress resistance will generate optimistic attitudes and focus on their work. Finally, this will improve the performance of the organization. This study will explore the inter-relationship among these three items by treating life satisfaction as the disturbing factor. This study employs the hierarchical regression analysis to investigate the problem above by using 434 observations from the office workers in various industries. It is shown that personal emotion capital possesses a significant difference versus organizational citizenship behavior, life satisfaction possesses a significant difference versus organizational citizenship behavior, and life satisfaction has indeed disturbing effect. Summarizing the above results, employees are the most important assets to an organization. We expect that the results of this study will benefit to the organization when they recruit, train, and hire their employees. Selecting competent workers, caring their emotion, and inspiring their enthusiasm and work ability will develop the organizational maximum benefit and raise the values for the shareholders.


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