  • 學位論文


Creating Indicators for Estimating Adaptive Capacity to Typhoon and Flood Hazard for Township in Taiwan

指導教授 : 洪鴻智


世界銀行於2005年指出,不論是以國家面積或人口為基準所占的百分比,臺灣暴露於三種或更多種天然災害肆虐的機率,均達73.1%。尤以臺灣位屬亞熱帶氣候區,每年夏、秋兩季往往受到颱風強烈的侵襲,對人民的生命財產安全造成嚴重威脅。在國外,已有多數學者在進行調適力的衡量;而在國內,相關研究仍屬缺乏,故實有建構國內調適力指標評估體系之必要,而形成本研究之動機。 鑒於臺灣地區現行的災害防救體制,是以鄉(鎮市區)層級為最小單位,故本文欲建構此層級之颱洪災害調適力指標評估系統。首先探討在全球氣候變遷議題下,脆弱度、回復力及調適力等概念;進而整理過去研究所使用的指標,建構出臺灣地區鄉(鎮市區)層級之指標評估系統,以全臺灣為實證地區,比較各鄉(鎮市區)之調適力大小,並輔以地理資訊系統進行空間比較分析;又各指標對於調適力之影響為何,本研究本研究先以順序羅吉特迴歸分析,了解各項指標對於調適力有無顯著影響;再以熵值權重法,求取各指標在不同空間下之相對重要程度,並探討其差異之原因。 文獻回顧結果,本研究以「社會文化」、「經濟資源」、「體系與基礎設施」等3個面向,提出15項評估指標,建構出臺灣地區鄉(鎮市區)層級之指標評估系統;經空間分析的結果發現,臺灣地區各鄉(鎮市區)之調適力呈現城鄉差距之情形,調適力較高之地區,大多位於都市發展程度較佳之地區,而發展較遲緩之地區,調適力表現則較為不佳;而運用順序羅吉特迴歸模型,分析各項指標與調適力之間的關係,發現大多數之指標對於調適力之高低,均有顯著的影響;另以熵值權重法分析結果,發現「風險管理」、「經濟發展」、「防災體系」、「社會福利」等4項指標,無論在任何空間範圍或空間區域下,都屬於較相對重要之指標,顯示出其等對於調適力衡量具有重要的影響,實可作為各級政府機關調適策略擬定之重要參考。


In 2005, World Bank points out that the probability of exposure to three or more natural hazards in Taiwan reach to 73.1%, both base on measure and population of country. Taiwan is located in subtropical zone, which make it be strongly affected by typhoons every year, especially in summer and fall, and threaten people’s lives and properties. There are a lot of researches studying about adaptive capacity abroad, but lack in Taiwan. Therefore, it’s necessary to creating indicators for estimating adaptive capacity to typhoon and flood hazard in Taiwan. In the system of disaster prevention and protection in Taiwan, township is the basic unit in response to disaster. This study will creat indicators for estimating adaptive capacity to typhoon and flood hazard for township. First, understanding the concepts of vulnerability, resilience and adaptive capacity under the domain of global climate change. Second, collecting indicators from the past research to form the framework of estimating adaptive capacity in Taiwan, comparing the adaptive capacity with different township, and using spatial analysis by GIS. Then, applying Ordered Logit regression model to verify that if these indicators are sidnificant affecting adaptive capacity or not. Finally, dicussing the relative degree of importance between indicators through Entropy weight method. This study forms the framework of estimating adaptive capacity by 3 parts(social-cultural, economic, institutional and infrastruction) and 15 indicators. We figure that there is existing urban-rural gap in adaptive capacity from different township in Taiwan. Most indicators sidnificant affect adaptive capacity by using Ordered Logit regression model. Through Entropy weight method, we find that the indicators of risk management, economic development, system of disaster prevention and social welfare are relative more important than others in estimating adaptive capacity, whatever in any scale or location. These findings can provide information in adaptation strategy to government.


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