  • 學位論文


The Study on Alternatives to Adult Guardianship in Taiwan from the Perspective of Legal Regime of the United States

指導教授 : 徐慧怡 戴瑀如


隨著醫療衛生改善及生活條件提升,我國65歲以上高齡人口於82年9月超過總人口7%,正式開始進入「高齡化社會」(Ageing Society)。預估到107年,65歲以上人口比率超過14%,達到「高齡社會」(Aged Society);114年65歲以上人口比率將增至20%,達到「超高齡社會」(Super Aged Society)。然因近代社會型態改變,夫婦與子女為主之核心家庭,取代大家族成為社會主流,過去從家屬中為精神障礙,或其他心智缺陷者選定監護人之方式,已無法保護受監護人之生活,實有修正必要。 我國成年監護制度於2008年,由禁治產制度修正為現行監護制度,宣示整體法制度對受監護人之權利保護往前一大步,然若細究個別條文,仍會發現有些許不足之處。此外,聯合國身心障礙者權利公約之公布,與我國隨後之內國法化,為我國提供一個良好標準,應重新就現行民法成年監護相關條文進行整體檢討,以更加維護受監護人之權利。 高齡化社會之到來對我國現行制度係不小衝擊,我國民法之成年監護是否已做好相關因應措施實有疑義,故本文將全盤審究我國成年監護制度不足之處。美國監護制度上為實現「最少限制選擇原則」,訂定受監護人僅於失能範圍內,始受監護效力所及之限制監護,以表達對成年人殘存能力之尊重。也為尊重當事人自我意思,美國法之監護制度應具最後手段性特質,若當事人已為自身財產照護作出妥適安排,即欠缺監護必要性(補充性原則)。此外,對受監護人權利保障、監護人監督或職權範圍,美國與我國之規定皆有所差異。是以,本文將參考美國統一遺囑認證法典與各州州法之規定,比較兩國差異之處,嘗試取其優異之處,供我國未來修法之參考。 而美國除法定監護外,同時存有監護替代制度(Alternatives to Guardianship)以取代法定監護制度。我國現行法雖不容許以其他方式替代法定監護制度,惟仍具使用委任契約或信託契約,代為管理受監護人財產之可能。是以,本文將詳細介紹美國持續性代理權授與及信託此二種監護替代制度,並探討其於我國現行法制下施行之可行性,嘗試提供除修改民法條文外之另一種選擇,以在我國現行法規不足且未修法之情況下,有別的可能性來管理高齡者之財產。


With the improved living standards and advancements in healthcare, the population over the age of 65 in Taiwan exceeds 7% of the total population in 1993, marking the start of "aging society". This figure is further predicted to increase to 14% in 2018 and to 20% in 2024. Along with the development of modern society, nuclear family gradually replaces extended household to be the mainstream in Taiwan. The traditional method to appoint guardian for mental illness (ward) thus becomes insufficient to protect ward's right when the society is experiencing such change. In order to well protect the right of ward, the adult guardianship system in Taiwan was once amended from Interdiction to guardianship in 2008. However, if carefully examined, deficiencies of protection can still be found in some articles. Also, the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities provides our Country a benchmark to reassess the existing civil laws related to adult guardianship, to ensure the protection of the rights of the ward is firm and solid. According to the Doctrine of Least Restrictive Alternative, the power of guardian in the United States is restricted to the specific loss of capacity by the ward, reflecting the respect to the ward's existing capacity. In addition, the requirement for petition of guardianship includes an explanation of the necessity of guardianship; if the ward's property or person is properly arranged by himself or herself, it is considered a lack of necessity of guardianship. Furthermore, since the responsibility, supervision, and authority of guardian between the U.S. and Taiwan are quite different, this thesis refer to the differences, and identify the strengths of the U.S. as reference for amending the Taiwanese law in the future. There also exists alternatives to guardianship to replace the traditional guardianship system. Though the alternatives to guardianship is not allowed in Taiwanese existing laws, the use of Mandate and Trust to manage ward's property is permitted. This thesis will thus detail two kinds of alternatives to guardianship systems in the U.S., namely Durable Power of Attorney and Trust, and discuss the feasibility of such implementation in Taiwan.


