  • 學位論文


Self-Reflection of an Intimate Partner Violence Prevention Worker–from interpretation of Economic Violence

指導教授 : 張菁芬


2015年通過「家庭暴力防治法部分條文」修正案,明確將經濟暴力納入暴力樣態,服務策略採以經濟賦權與就業協助方案為核心,我國衛生福利部保護服務司於同年度針對18歲以上女性的親密關係暴力現象進行調查,結果發現達1/4婦女終其一生曾受到男性伴侶的暴力相向,暴力樣態以精神暴力、經濟暴力為多數,不僅顛覆大眾的暴力認知,更凸顯肢體暴力以外的暴力類型之嚴重性。研究者工作團隊於同年針對經濟暴力議題展開實務研究,發現經濟暴力呈現樣貌以經濟剝削為主、取代傳統認知的經濟控制型態,且如未伴隨肢體或精神暴力,實不會被視作暴力問題。從關係中的自我理論出發,女性原在強調和人建立關係的環境下成長,在父權文化體制中,更加深女性歸屬感源自完整家庭的期盼;經濟暴力,外人眼中的枷鎖,卻是這群女性心中穩定家庭運作的方法。 經濟暴力雖為老問題,然直至修法後才正式凸顯此議題,然國內相關論述甚少、亦尚未爰依修法正名調整或發展對應處遇策略,為理解經濟暴力議題的特殊性,並隨之發展合適的防治工作計畫,本研究將以研究者投入家庭暴力防治工作十年的實務經驗反思為基礎,發展下述三項研究目的:一、建構經濟暴力實務詮釋基礎;二、發掘經濟暴力正名後對家庭暴力防治工作的影響;三、提出落實或強化經濟暴力防治工作效益的建議。研究發現經濟暴力通常並非單獨存在,其辨識能力立基於社會工作者面對關係中權力流動的敏感度,為能有效提升防治策略的效果,除須提升社會工作者體察權力關係的銳度,理解經濟暴力議題所涵蓋影響層面的廣度和隱匿性,研究者從教育面、實務面、政策面著手提出建言,希冀做為未來落實經濟暴力防治工作的發展基礎。


Taiwan passed the proposed amendments to the “Domestic Violence Prevention Act” in 2015, which specifically includes “Economic Violence” as a type of violence and to use economic empowerment and employment assistance programs to enable victims. In the same year, a Health and Welfare Ministry survey shows up to 1/4 of women who are over 18 years old, have been affected by Intimate Partner Violence. The majority of violence is psychological and economic, subverting the public's perception of physical violence being the dominant form. In the same year the researchers examined economic violence issues and found that economic violence was not just about the perception of traditional financial control but as exploitation and unless physical or psychological violence was found, exploitative economic violence was not even considered as domestic violence. The theory of self-relation teaches that women have evolved to nurture relationships with others, in a patriarchal culture their sense of belonging derives from maintaining the family unit. Economic violence may be seen as a burden but the women endure this in order to maintain a stable family. From this study, reflecting on 10 years of practical experience in Intimate Partner Violence Prevention, three studies have been purposed for development: first, define Economic Violence based on substantial experience. Second, find the impact to the domestic violence prevention program after “Economic Violence” is included in statute. Third, create proposals to implement or strengthen benefits of economic violence prevention. This study found that economic violence does not usually occur alone. Researchers from the education, practical, and policy perspectives have proposed suggestions, hoping for future implementation of development based economic violence prevention work.


Josephson, J. (2005). The intersectionality of domestic violence and welfare in the lives of poor women. In Sokoloff, N. J., & Pratt, C. (Ed.). Domestic violence at the margins: Readings on race, class, gender, and culture (pp. 83-101). Rutgers University Press.
