  • 學位論文

試驗機構管理組織競爭策略分析: 以某公司為例

The Competitive Strategy Analysis of Site Management Organization: for an Example of a Company

指導教授 : 陳達新


生技醫藥產業對於人類的健康福祉影響甚鉅,對藥廠及生技公司的新藥開發而言,一項藥品在人體試驗階段的時間就須花費6年以上的時間,是最關鍵最複雜與昂貴的階段,因為一項藥品若能越早的成功上市,一方面可減少其研發經費,另一方面則是搶得先機佔據市場並儘早獲利。 人體試驗執行過程中,醫師為其重要之靈魂人物,而在大部分的國家,醫師於醫院之臨床醫療業務是相當繁忙的,在醫師工作的優先順序中,臨床試驗並非是最重要的,而對藥廠及生技公司而言,期待醫師能一心一意的執行臨床試驗計畫是有很大的落差的。因此,提供藥廠或生技公司及醫師來進行臨床試驗的試驗機構管理組織(Site Management Organization, SMO)便應蘊而生。 競爭策略是目前管理領域的熱門主題之一,也是現今複雜多變及競爭激烈的環境下,企業為求生存與成長所重視的議題,本研究希望透過個案的分析及建議後,了解該產業的現況及趨勢、優勢及劣勢,並予以建議,一方面讓安全有效的藥品儘早上市,另一方面,讓SMO公司因為服務品質的改善,達到企業永續經營的目標 本研究依據所蒐集的文獻資料、分析方法,對於就個案進行分析,得到以下幾個結論:個案公司的成功因素:擁有良好的客戶關係、一線主管穩定性高、穩健的財務政策、向心力強、洞悉市場的需求及堅持公司成立時的宗旨;隱憂:人才的培訓及留任、經營管理階層能力的提升及競爭者瓜分市場。 本研究結果提供以下建議: 1.不斷的提升專業執行能力及差異化來擺脫競爭者,藉以提高潛在競爭者的競爭門檻,爭取市場的佔有率領先之優勢。2.在管理上可建立「留任政策」避免人才流失;藉由e化將「知識」建檔,並建立標準作業程序,讓專業知識的精髓不因人員的異動而流失。3.積極的擴展臨床試驗之外的服務。


Development of new drugs is a complex and expensive process for the pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies. To accelerate the timeline of listing of new drugs will reduce the R&D cost and access drug market earlier to gain more profits than expected. During the execution of clinical trials, physicians play the most important role and the sponsors expect that physicians do their best to perform the studies to ensure the quality of clinical trials. SMO (Site Management Organization) service is provided by this request. Competition strategy is currently a significant topic under the complex and competitive environment, which affect how companies survive and keep growing in the future. By analyzing of the case study to get the whole picture of trends of the industry、advantages and disadvantages to provide the suggestions and insights. The study results are summarized as follows, 1. Success factors: excellent customer relationship, the stability of operation supervisors, steady financial policy, strong centripetal force, insights in the needs of the market and adhere to the purpose of the company. 2. Concerns: the training and retention of employees, the ability of management team and threats from other competitors. The study suggestions are summarized as follows, 1. Enhancement of the professional ability and differentiation of services to build the threshold for potential competitors and take the lead in the market. 2. Establishment of the "retention policy" to avoid the brain drain and storing the professional knowledge by E management. Establishing SOP (standard operating procedures) and keeping the expertise not to be lost by resignation of employees. 3. Aggressively extending business field outside of clinical trial services.


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