  • 學位論文


A Study of Training Needs Assessment of Personnel Staff: The Taipei Municipal Schools as an Example

指導教授 : 陳金貴博士


本論文係以彙整與分析臺北市立各級學校人事人員及臺北市政府人事體系訓練主政單位,關於現行訓練需求及相關問題之看法,並對於未來發展與規劃提出建議。本研究聚焦於訓練課程需求分析、訓練學習方式、資源整合運用及未來發展規劃四面向相關問題的探討,首先對臺北市立各級學校人事人員進行全面性的問卷調查,然後採取立意抽樣之個別深度訪談,經由對量化與質化研究方法擷取之資料綜合整理分析之後,研究發現如下: 壹、「現行課程」與「學校人事人員訓練需求」有差異性:主要在於心態上著重於務實概念及深受服務環境自我侷限的交互影響之下,認為現行訓練課程與實際需求存有落差。 貳、理論與研究的相互檢證之下,「資訊」、「法令」及「溝通協調」等三面向課程或職能,係為學校人事人員應強化或擁有的。 參、質量研究資料分析皆認同單一主題學習方式較有學習成效,而研究結果與成人學習理論又多處扣合,應詳加運用研究結果與理論內涵。 肆、多數贊同以課程分組方式運用人事業務分區研討會資源結合在職訓練的構想,惟仍有其複雜性問題。 伍、有利未來發展與規劃的五點發現: 一、員額編制結構、組織氣候及業務的高度同質性等交互影響因素形塑學校人事人員對於在職訓練課程其意向偏好之一致性頗高。 二、一致性偏差意向之特性與由下而上的政策執行模式應結合運用。 三、公教人員之在職訓練採不同單位分流負責能有更多效益。 四、區分高中、國中及國小不同學程人事人員分別受訓,訓練成效得以提昇,訓練資源亦以達到最有效的運用-因為組織成員不同,人事業務內涵亦不同。 五、對於「訓練」的發展與規劃概念應轉換舊有思維方式: (一)實質性應大於象徵性;(二)內在性應大於外在性:(三)獎勵性應大於工作性。


This paper aggregates and analyzes personnel staffs’ opinions of Taipei Municipal Schools and Taipei City Government personnel training units about current training needs assessment and related issues in order to make useful recommendations for developing future training plans. The study focuses on exploring training course needs, training models, integration of training resources and future development and plans. A comprehensive survey to personnel staff of Taipei Municipal schools is used to collect quantitative data, and then individual in-depth interviews for selected personnel is used to collect qualitative data. After analyzing the quantitative and qualitative data, the research concludes the following results: I. The gap between current curriculum and personnel staff’s training needs is due to trainees are only pursuing operational skills that could be used in their current job immediately. II. The courses for improving information skill, utilization of personnel act, and communication skill are most necessary. III. One training course focuses on a single topic has better training performance. The result matches the adult learning theory. IV. The idea of combining both professional training and personnel administration conference’s resource to improve the training performance is welcome. Most personnel staffs appreciate training in groups by topic not by the person’s position, but the increased complexity of training plans to be overcome. V. There are five points for the future development and plans: i. In the similar environment, the personnel staff have the same preference in many ways. ii. It is useful to combine the preference feature of the personnel staff with the bottom-up model for implementation structure. iii.To make the distinguish from the courses which is for government employee or for educators and then to hold the different trains for the personnel staff will have better training performance. iv.The personnel staffs of senior high school, junior high school, and elementary school should take different professional training courses. v. The contents of training courses should be specific and practical.


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