  • 學位論文


A Study on Dragon Dance in the Elementary Schools in Taipei County

指導教授 : 張勝彥


舞龍在小學教育中,能發揮體育、團隊、民俗、藝術及音樂等多重教育功能,是很值得在臺灣的小學被推廣之民俗體育活動,因此筆者乃著手對臺北縣小學舞龍隊進行研究,而研究設限為民國94年為止之臺北縣小學舞龍隊 (不包括直排輪舞龍隊),並且目前還有持續在做經常性練習的。本論文尤其有別於以往的研究,試著以學生的立場和看法,及校長、老師的思想和理念,來探討舞龍在臺北縣小學存在之實況和未來前景。 本論文先就臺灣舞龍淵源做詳細的探討和論述,接著再對臺灣舞龍的概況加以說明。然後再對全臺北縣207所公立小學 (民國94年時),以田野調查法之逐一電話訪談的方式,就其民俗體育團隊之推展概況做一個了解、清查與整理,然後確實統計出現有的臺北縣小學舞龍隊,並對其分布及創立情形加以說明比較。 其次再以田野調查法之實地訪察的方式,個別實際的探討和了解研究對象之臺北縣小學舞龍隊的相關道具、訓練狀況及展演情形、推展目標。並將探討的結果,彙整、比較、分析臺北縣小學舞龍隊的活動內容之異同。 同樣以田野調查法之實地訪察的方式及問卷調查的方式,個別實際的探討和了解研究對象之臺北縣小學舞龍隊的經費來源、師資問題,以及臺北縣小學舞龍隊目前之面臨處境,尤其是更就隊員之立場,深入去了解「舞龍」在小學生心目 中的地位及意義。並將探討的結果,彙整、比較、分析臺北縣小學舞龍隊的營運 狀況之異同。 最後再將前述研究成果,加以陳述,統整出臺北縣小學舞龍隊存在之實況和未來前景,並敘述研究過程中所面臨的困境及未來有關此一課題的研究展望。


舞龍 競技龍 夜光龍 臺北縣小學 民俗體育


The “Dragon Dance” plays a multi-educational function in sports, teamwork, folk art and folk music, it is a folk sports that is worth promoting in primary schools. This study focuses on the Dragon Dance in Taipei County that is active in practice and training during 2005 or earlier. (Dragon dance with roller-skates were excluded from the study). Just different from the other research; this study especially focuses on the effects of the Dragon dance from the students’ perspective as well as the ideology of school principal and teachers, to probe the vision in future. This study involves a review of the historical development of the dragon dance and other related literature on the activity. Then a survey of telephone questionnaires were used as the primary method to collect basic information regarding dragon dance development in 207 elementary schools in Taipei County, also remark their location and foundation for comparison. Secondly, on-site surveys were used to collect core detailed information about their dance props, training programs, and performance frequencies. Research technique of analysis, comparison, and statistics was used to synthesize their activity of similarity or differentiation. A further review by field-survey and questionnaire were conducted individually to research their financial resources, training faculties, and challenges that the elementary schools may have encountered in maintaining a dragon dance program. Students who were part of the schools’ dragon dance programs were also surveyed about their thoughts on the purpose and meaning of the dragon dance. The results of the survey was also used to analyze their operation of similarities and dissimilarities. The Taipei County Dragon dance experiences and the findings of this study relate the actuality and the future development of dragon dance, also describe the difficulties during the research and the prospection in future of this study.


〈學校民俗體育發展現階段的困境探析〉,《大專體育》,雙月刊,第61期,中華民國大專院校體育總會,臺北市,2002年 8月。
一、 漢文書籍
(一) 地方志 (以作者姓氏筆劃排列)


