  • 期刊


The Promotion of Dragon Dance in Taiwan's Campus




The dragon dance is not only a traditional skill but also a kind of folk physical activity in Taiwan. Educational authorities have been promoting it for over 30 years, but the number of participants hasn't increased. In the primary school, there are many reasons to hinder school dragon dance development. For example: lack of funds, sources of trained teachers, difficulty in recruiting participants, lack of teaching material, lack of social resources and so on. Searching the related documents, I found that most of the literature was about social dragon dance problems and some was about the school folk physical education, but literature on school dragon dance topics was lacking. This article is focussed on school dragon dance development. I have looked at articles on school dragon dancing from various period. And I have discussed the status of school dragon dancing. I also analyzed the problems the school dragon dancing may meet, and offer concrete suggestions for teachers. I hope this article can help the teacher who wants to promote school dragon dancing.


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