  • 學位論文


The Research of International Product Liability

指導教授 : 林益山


時至今日,我國在世界貿易之舞台上,仍然扮演著不可或缺的角色,藉由各種產品的製造、加工以及進出口貿易,使我國在國際經貿上交出了漂亮的成績單。然而隨著對外貿易的頻繁,往往增加了因瑕疵產品而發生糾紛之機率,復伴隨著十九世紀末以來消費者意識之高漲,更加使得此種因商品瑕疵所引起之涉外商品製造人責任案件層出不窮,為因應此種情況,各國乃紛紛對於商品製造人責任之選法規則投入研究,並為其訂定特別之選法規則。對於此種國際趨勢,我國國內之反應卻似乎是非常冷淡的,不僅學術界相關的論著並不多見,於實務界之裁判中,對於此一問題亦未多加討論。因此,本論文寫作之動機,即在對於此一國際私法上重要之問題,作一全面性之探討,希望藉由本論文對於外國立法例之整理與檢討,能夠對於我國國際私法上有關涉外商品製造人責任之發展,提供多一分研究之素材。 在參考文獻方面,由於國內在此一方面之論著數量不多,因此本論文除參考國內著作之外,亦參考了許多外文文獻,並且對於近年來世界各先進國家有關商品製造人責任選法規則之立法例,加以整理與翻譯,並且歸納出目前世界立法之發展趨勢,以供參考。 此外,本文之架構共可分為六章。第一章為緒論,說明本論文之研究動機以及架構。第二章為概論,乃對於商品製造人責任實體法上之概念加以說明,並以美國法為例,略為說明商品製造人責任此一概念之起源以及發展歷史。第三章乃探討涉外商品製造人責任訴訟之國際裁判管轄權。第四章為定性理論之探討。本章首先整理了國內對於定性理論之各種學說,且對於各說提出批評,並進而提出一種本文認為較為合理之處理方式。其後乃探討在商品製造人責任中,非常重要之契約責任與侵權責任競合之問題,在此一部份中,本文亦對於國內傳統學說之見解提出部分之批評,並進一步援引外國立法例,認為我國對於此一問題應採取另外之處理方式。第五章為涉外商品製造人責任準據法之研究。由於傳統學說上均將商品製造人責任視為一般侵權責任之一種,因此本章首先乃對於一般侵權行為之選法規則加以分析與探討,並說明傳統立法例採取侵權行為地法主義所不足之處,更進一步介紹英美法系國家與歐陸法系國家對於侵權行為選法規則之反思及新發展。也由於此股反動的思潮,使得獨立之涉外商品製造人責任選法規則開始出現了契機,故此部分本章乃介紹涉外商品製造人責任選法規則出現之原因,以及學說上對於其立法方向之探討。其後,本章蒐集與翻譯近年來世界各國之國際私法立法例,並對於各國國際私法之發展趨勢加以分析。最後,本論文乃對於我國司法院於2003年所提出之涉外民事法律適用法修正草案加以分析與檢討,並指出其值得改善之處,且進一步試擬涉外商品製造人責任之選法規則,以供參考。第六章為結論,乃對於前述各章所提及之重點加以整理。


Nowadays, Taiwan plays an important role on the stage of international trade. By the production and process of various kinds of products, Taiwan has made a great achievement. Nevertheless, as the growing of international trade, it may increase the probability of disputes caused by defective products; furthermore, as the wave of sense of consumer protection in late 1990s, more and more cases caused by defective products happened. In order to deal with this kind of situation, almost every country in the world starts to develop specific rules of private international law for international product liability. Compared with the universal situation, the authority of Taiwan seems to be indifferent toward the topic of international product liability, not only the academia doesn’t show highly regard for it, but judges don’t discuss this question deeply in judgments. Accordingly, the motion of this thesis is to completely discuss this important topic of private international law. And because this thesis contains the collection of the latest editions of private international law of other countries, it might provide important materials for research of international product liability. This thesis can be divided into six chapters. The first chapter talks about the motion and framework of this thesis. The second chapter treats the concept of product liability, and takes the law of America as an example to recite the development history of product liability. The third chapter treats the international jurisdiction of product liability. The fourth chapter talks about the question of classification. This chapter contains the collection of almost all kinds of domestic theories of classification, I pointed out drawbacks of those theories, and tried to advance my unique point of view. Furthermore, I lucubrated a very important question, “interaction between contract and tort in the conflict of laws”, in this chapter. I criticized traditional points of view for this topic and advise that we can deal with this problem in another way. The fifth chapter treats conflict of laws of international product liability. I lucubrated the development of international product liability and pointed out the future direction we should take in this chapter. Furthermore, I compiled codes of private international law of several countries, and tried to find the international current. Finally, I made some comments on the amendment of private international law of Taiwan, and pointed out some ways for improving. The sixth chapter is the conclusion of this thesis.


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