  • 學位論文


A Study of Allocation for Carbon Footprint Verification of Waste Derived Fuel

指導教授 : 李育明


廢棄物經適當程序處理後,可作為企業燃燒設備之燃料使用。廢棄物轉化為衍生燃料,不僅可解決廢棄物處理之問題,亦可節省企業之燃料成本。此外,由溫室氣體減量角度切入,廢棄物衍生燃料亦屬燃料替代之減量方法之一,本研究因而針對廢橡膠與廢液,進行廢棄物衍生燃料之碳足跡盤查。然而,企業進行碳足跡盤查時,若採用不合理的分配方法,不同的分配方法將計算出不同的碳足跡,將影響碳足跡計算之數據品質;為解決企業進行碳足跡盤查時,所面臨分配之問題,必須建立一套適宜之分配原則,使企業更瞭解碳足跡盤查與分配原則,並可依此原則計算碳足跡。 本研究探討國內某紙廠之循環流體床鍋爐於正常操作所需之廢棄物衍生燃料與煙煤之熱值為分配依據,分配比例分別為廢橡膠︰0.33、廢木材︰0.18、漿紙污泥︰0.18、煙煤︰0.31,產出二氧化碳︰2,771.227公斤、甲烷︰0.47公斤、氧化亞氮︰0.073公斤。另外探討國內某廢棄物回收處理廠之旋轉窯焚化爐以每1公噸廢液與固體廢棄物之組合,於正常操作條件之投入比例下,產出1,735.162公斤之二氧化碳、0.171公斤之甲烷、0.025公斤之氧化亞氮,廢液與固體廢棄物投入比例為0.53︰0.47。 本研究探討之案例,皆屬於多次使用系統之分配,需判斷廢棄物衍生燃料係屬於開環系統抑或是閉環系統,若同時兼具開環系統與閉環系統,則可使用本研究研擬兼具開環與閉環考量之再生料回收計算公式,進行分配估算。本次研究以廢棄物衍生燃料之投入量與熱值為分配依據,且僅以投入量與熱值之大小為分配考量,未考量低碳分配與排放,建議未來可依據經濟價值(如空氣污染防制費)作為分配原則,以合理反應廢棄物衍生燃料系統之環境負荷,並可試著尋求低碳排放之最佳投入分配比例,以達成減緩地球暖化之目標。


Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) can be used as fuel of combustion equipments in enterprises by proper procedures. Turning MSW into Waste Derived Fuel (WDF) could not only solve the problem of waste disposal, but also save the cost of fuels for enterprises. Furthermore, in the viewpoint of GHGs reduction, WDF, which is a substitute for combustion, is one of the ways to reduce emission. This study focused on waste rubber and waste liquid, proceeded carbon footprint verification (CFV) of WDF. Nevertheless, It will affect the quality of data in carbon footprint accounting if enterprises using an irrational principle of allocation for the duration of the CFV, and will result in different carbon footprints. In order to solve the problem of allocation which enterprises must confront with, it’s necessary to conduct a proper allocation principle, which they can follow and catch on. This study analyzed the calorific values of WDF and soft coal for boilers of circulating fluid bed in a domestic paper mill (in normal operating condition) ; in accordance with the allocation data, the proportions were, waste rubber: 0.33, waste woods: 0.18, sludge of pulp and paper: 0.18, soft coal: 0.31; CO2 emission: 2,771.227 kg, CH4: 0.47 kg, N2O: 0.073 kg. The research also reviewed incinerators of rotary kiln form the domestic recycling facility, with a ton of combination of waste liquid and MSW, in normal operating condition of input proportion, the output were, CO2:1,735.162 kg, CH4: 0.171 kg, N2O: 0.025 kg and the ratio of input was 0.53: 0.47 (waste liquid: MSW). The case studies belong to the allocation of repeatedly use system. It’s necessary to categorize the WDF to open loop or close loop; if it’s categorized to both of them, the formula of calculating recycled materials considering both open and close loop can be used to estimate allocation. This study of allocation was in accordance with the input and calorific value of WDF, and didn’t consider low-carbon allocation and emission. We suggest that the principle can be build according to its economic value (such as air pollution control fee) in order to illustrate environmental burden of WDF system, try to seek the proper proportion of low-carbon emission and achieve the goal of mitigation of global warming.


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