  • 學位論文


The Relationships among Salary Equity, Job Involvement, and Job Characteristics - The Case of a Local Bank in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳銘薰


台灣銀行正面臨新的轉型,市場競爭激烈,尤其面對大陸金融市場的發展,中階金融人才需求急遽增加,除了依賴專業技能,應更重視企業內部員工的留任。樹立公平合理的薪酬制度,是吸引人才重要關鍵因素,除薪酬分配公平外,工作特性也是影響員工投入的重要因素之一,良好的工作特性設計確實能帶給員工正面的心理激勵,以提升員工的工作動機,達到工作滿足,企業在不增加薪酬的情況下,增加員工的工作投入,達到企業與員工雙贏的目標。 有鑑於此,本論文研究薪酬分配公平與員工工作投入間的關係,並以工作特性為其干擾變數。以實體問卷方式,李克特五點尺度測量,分別參考林淑姬(1992)修正Milkovich (1988) 發展之薪資公平問卷,Alliger, & Stone-Romero (1994)工作投入問卷,鍾華城 (2003) 修正Hackman & Oldham (1975) 之問卷,共計五十四題,發放國內某銀行業務及行政從業人員,有效回收份數共227份。 研究結果顯示,內部公平對工作角色投入有正向影響;外部公平、內部公平、個人公平對工作環境投入皆有正向影響。技能多樣性、工作重要性、回饋性對薪酬分配公平與工作投入間具有干擾效果。當工作是較具變化性、較高技巧,或具有舉足輕重的地位時,員工會有較高的成就感,薪酬影響對工作投入的重要性會降低許多。且分行業務人員因與客戶接觸機會較多,對薪酬分配公平、工作投入、工作特性的重視程度皆高於行政部門與總行同仁。


Under the fierce competition of market, banks in Taiwan are undergoing transformations. Particularly, with the developing financial market of mainland China, the demand for financial professionals is rapidly increasing. For enterprises, how to improve employees’ professional skills is important, and how to retain good staff is even more important. A fair and equitable salary system is the key to attracting capable employees. The job characteristics are other important factors that would improve employees’ job involvement. Psychologically, People are identified with his/her work, and they can enhance his/her motivation and job satisfaction, under proper design of job characteristics. So, with appropriate job design, enterprises can achieve a win-win goal, and increase staff job involvements without increasing salaries. In view of this, this paper examined the relationship between salary equity and job involvement, with moderating affect of job characteristics. The questionnaires using paper-and-pencil and Likert five-point scale were modified form Milkovich (1988), Alliger & Stone-Romero (1994), and Hackman & Oldham (1975), and were collected from 227 salespersons and administrative clerks of a domestic bank. Results showed that internal equity had positive effects on job involvement-role; external, internal, and individual equity had positive effects on job involvement-setting. Skill variety, task significance, and feedback have the moderating affect on the relationship between salary equity and job involvement. When the job has higher skill variety and pivotal position, the staff would feel higher sense of accomplishment, and the importance of salary equity is reduced. Besides, salespersons of the branch office pay more attention to salary equity, job involvement, and job characteristics than the administrative clerks in the headquater.


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