  • 學位論文


Legal Problems of Transaction Causation and Loss Causation under the ROC Securities Exchange Act

指導教授 : 賴英照


投資人以上市(櫃)公司揭露不實資訊為由,請求損害賠償的案件,我國法院已作出不少判決,本論文旨在研究法院如何認定此類案件牽涉的因果關係與責任範圍問題。在研究方法方面,本論文係將因果關係問題分為交易因果關係與損失因果關係兩個部分,各別建立其理論架構後,用以分析、檢討法院判決的見解。首先,在交易因果關係部分,其原本是指投資人因信賴不實資訊而決定買賣證券,為解決投資人證明信賴的困難,多數一、二法院判決雖採用欺騙市場理論,免除投資人證明信賴的舉證責任,但本論文認為法院見解有以下問題:第一、法院未建立交易因果關係概念,影響所及,多數判決係將交易因果關係與損失因果關係問題混為一談。第二、法院未重視適用欺騙市場理論的基礎,若干法院判決理由雖強調投資專家扮演的關鍵地位,儼然是將此一理論的適用建立於效率市場之上,但法院並未探究系爭公司的股票投資人中,專業投資人佔多少比例?專家的投資決定是否足以影響股價?第三、被告為簽證會計師時,有的法院判決拒絕適用欺騙市場理論,對於投資人是否信賴同一財報的問題,法院卻因賠償義務人不同,而得出迥異結論。第四、公開說明書記載不實時,我國法院判決亦認為可適用欺騙市場理論,相較於美國法院認為此一理論不能適用於發行市場,我國法院的見解可謂獨樹一格,但欺騙市場理論為何也可適用於發行市場?法院並未說明理由。其次,在損失因果關係部分,由於市場知道真相之前,不實資訊通常不會造成證券價格下跌,加以證券價格漲跌本就會受到諸多因素的影響,為確定哪些投資人有權求償,並合理確定被告的賠償責任範圍,乃有必要探究損害與資訊不實之間是否有損失因果關係。但多數一、二審判決因未區分交易因果關係與損失因果關係,以致有的判決誤用欺騙市場理論,免除原告證明損失因果關係的舉證責任。另法院判決也常未探究造成股價下跌的原因,僅以股價下跌為由,即認定投資人的損害與被告的違法行為具有相當因果關係。受此影響,對於攸關被告賠償責任範圍的損害金額計算方法,多數判決係採用毛損法,將財務報告不實遭拆穿之前的股價下跌,亦計入賠償範圍,由被告賠償原告所有的投資損失,而未考量與財報不實之間有無損失因果關係。此外,財報不實遭拆穿後,投資人雖早就有機會賣出而選擇繼續持有股票,法院判決仍認為可根據日後的賣出價格或股票淨值計算差額損失,未考量投資人在事發後經過數月,甚至一年以上,才賣出股票,股價下跌與財報不實有無損失因果關係。 總結對於因果關係與責任範圍問題的研究,本論文提出以下看法:第一、為解決問題根源,法院應區分交易因果關係與損失因果關係,不宜將二者混為一談。第二、法院應釐清適用欺騙市場理論的基礎及其適用範圍。第三、為能妥適決定被告的賠償責任範圍,亟需由法院建立損失因果關係概念及其判斷標準圍。對於純屬市場因素或第三人違法行為所致的股價下跌,基於以下理由,本論文認為不應由被告負賠償責任:(1)此種損失並非證交法反詐欺規定所欲防範發生的損害。(2)市場因素,例如,股價泡沫破裂所致的股價下跌,由被告負賠償責任,投資人將可不必自負投機風險,而有鼓勵投機之嫌。(3)股價遭到第三人非法操縱時,賠償全部損失的結果,亦將使揭露不實資訊的被告成為代罪羔羊,替操縱股價者承擔賠償責任,甚至可能發生重複賠償損害的問題。第四、考量投資人證明實際損害金額的困難,雖可採毛損法計算損害金額,惟對於與資訊不實之間顯無損失因果關係的損失,被告應可舉證免責。再者,計算損害金額的基準價格,亦不宜一律以賣出價格為準,而應考量市場獲悉真相後,股價是否已充分反映不實資訊的影響,為避免認定上的爭議,本論文建議立法明訂損害金額計算方法,以確定計算差額損失的基準價格。


This dissertation studies the causation problems of securities fraud cases. The approach of this dissertation analyzes the causation issues in terms of the twin concepts of "transaction causation" and "loss causation". Transaction causation refers to the causation connection between the defendant’s misrepresentation and the plaintiff’s decision to buy or sell securities. The plaintiff must prove that she relied on the misrepresentation to establish transaction causation. Loss causation is the causal connection between the misrepresentation and the loss. It involves the proof that the purchased security declined in value that is attributable to the false statement. After discussing why the causation of securities fraud should be divided into transaction causation and loss causation, this dissertation examines how court decided the causation problems. Although many courts decisions presume investors’ reliance on the misrepresentation to remove investors’ burden of proof by adopting the fraud-on-the-market theory, this dissertation finds that court’s reasoning is flawed. First, the court’s analysis ignores the foundation for applying the fraud-on-the-market theory. Second, most of the decisions confuse the problem of transaction causation with loss causation by misapplying the fraud-on-the-market theory to presume the plaintiff’s loss. Third, some courts decisions extend the fraud-on-the-market theory to the primary market without explaining the reason. This dissertation argues that the court should define the condition and set limit to application of the fraud-on-the-market theory. With respect to the loss causation, this dissertation finds that the courts’ judgment do not consider whether a subsequent loss of the securities value is actually caused by the misrepresentation. Consequently, the court uses the gross loss measure to calculate the plaintiff’s damages. This dissertation argues that the scope of the defendant’s liability should be limited to the loss causation and proposes a standard for the court to decide whether there is loss causation. Although the court may use the gross loss measure to calculate damages to lessen the investor’s burden of proof, this dissertation argues that if the defendant can prove that the plaintiff suffered loss because of the stock market’s decline or caused by third party’s illegal act, the defendant should not be held responsible. In addition, the sale price should not be used to calculate the damage if the plaintiff could have sold the securities after the fraud was revealed, but decided to hold the shares. To solve the uncertainty of judging when the stock price has fully adjusted to the revelation of the fraud, this dissertation suggests that the legislators enact rules for calculating damages.


30.Daniel Fischel, Efficient Capital Markets, the Crash and the Fraud on the Market Theory, 74 Cornell L. Rev. 907(1989)


