  • 學位論文

台北縣員警取締酒後駕車執法意願 及影響因素之研究

Study on the Influence Factors of Police Enforcing Drunk–Driving Law in Taipei County

指導教授 : 許春金


本論文主要探討影響臺北縣員警取締酒後駕車執法意願及其影響因素,希望藉以發現基層員警對取締酒後駕車案件的態度,是否受到個人、機關制度、獎懲制度及外力介入等因素影響。員警執行取締酒後駕車之任務是政府為減少酒後駕車事件發生所採取最直接的防治措施。但是從實踐情況上來看,近年來,酒後駕車的數量並沒有為之減少,反而呈現上升趨勢。酒後駕車不僅僅是交通問題,也是社會性問題,亦是世界性的難題,解決酒後駕車問題不能單靠依賴員警的取締任務,亟需要社會多方面配合。 本論文主要調查了解臺北縣員警取締酒後駕車之現況及與降低酒後駕車肇事之成效?再者,警察機關對於取締酒後駕車工作一直不遺餘力,然而員警執法取締過程中,常與酒後駕駛人紛爭不斷,吃力不討好,何以取締酒後駕車勤務已成為員警最不喜歡執行的勤務。為深入了解警察人員取締酒後駕車之意願,研究取樣以立意取樣方式選取研究對象,受訪對象之選取符合研究者事先設定之標準,以提高研究之可信度與效度。從詮釋現象學之觀點出發,藉以詮釋現象背後所存在之意涵。研究者以事先擬定之訪談綱要,採半結構式進行深度訪談。最後研究者以與受訪者深度訪談之資料蒐集,運用「主題分析法」進行本文內容分析,進而歸納出影響警察人員取締酒後駕車意願之四項共同主題。 透過本研究發現,影響警察人員取締酒後駕車之意願實非單一因素,除個人因素影響外,更受到獎懲制度、機關制度及外力因素等影響。因此,落實管理制度才是解決此一問題最根本之關鍵。酒後駕車問題的存在非僅在於交通問題,社會更應投以更多的共同關注,齊心解決才是問題之關鍵。最後,研究者根據研究結果之發現,提出幾項淺見供讀者及相關實務工作者思考。


This study mainly investigates the influence on the attitude toward the Taipei police’s clampdown of drunken driving. The basic-level police’s attitude to the clampdown of drunken driving is related to the individuals, organ system, rewards and punishment system and external force involvement and other factors. The clampdown of drunken driving is one of the measures to reduce drunken driving events. But in recent years, from the practical circumstance, the number of drunken driving did not reduce, instead of increasing. Drunken driving is not only a traffic problem, but also a social problem. This study mainly investigate the conditions of Taipei policed against drunk driving and the effectiveness? Moreover, the police authorities have been sparing no effort to against drunken driving, but often battle against the drunken driving people that is why banned drunken driving has become the police most dislike duty. In order to understand the police’s attitude, the researcher take the purposive sampling methods to select research objects. This study establish standards in advance to sieve out the participants to increase the reliability and validity. Based on the hermeneutic phenomenology methodology, the research attempt to discover the nature of the police’s attitude. The researcher used semi-structured in-depth interviews. Finally using "theme analysis" for content analysis, and then concluding four essential themes which affect police personnel against drunken driving. Based on the result, the influence on the attitude toward the police’s clampdown of drunken driving is not a single factor, not only individual factors, but also by rewards and punishment system, organ system and external factors influence. Carrying out the management system is the essential key point to solve the problem. Drunken driving is not only traffic problem. Finally, based on the result, the researcher proposed several view for the readers and relevant practice workers.


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楊醫隆 (2015). 提升國道警察酒駕執法強度的策略研究 [master's thesis, Feng Chia University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6341/fcu.M0217012
