  • 學位論文


A Study on Drunk Driving of Members of Military Plice School and Its Prevention

指導教授 : 孟維德


雖然政府自1999年4月起,不斷修法以期有效嚇阻酒駕行為,然而根據警政署統計就2007至2010年交通肇事件數統計,肇事原因仍以「酒後駕車」最多,亦即「酒後駕車」肇事為A1類交通事故主要肇事原因之一,約占A1類交通事故的2成。若以軍人而言,本身於服役期間即可被廣義視為國家的財產,不論是於營外酒駕肇事,或駕駛軍車或於營區肇事,對於國家財產之損失,均難以計算,然而國軍2010 年度因酒駕肇事或遭警取締在案,而獲判決確定者就167 人,可見酒駕議題對於國軍的重要性。 憲兵為一執法之軍種,倘連執法者都「違法」了,將何以貫徹憲兵執法之正當性,故本研究特以憲兵為研究主軸,而俗稱「憲兵搖籃」之憲兵學校,因其為憲兵成員的發源地,更有來自各憲兵單位之受訓成員,故為本研究之抽樣代表。 復鑑因酒駕的構成要素通常複雜,恐難以量化方式完全得窺究竟,再者酒駕議題敏感,宜先經由投契關係(rapport)之建立,再經由訪談互動方能有效獲得及釐清行為人酒駕前之決意過程,故本研究以質性研究中的訪談法為主要研究方法,並以「立意抽樣」方式,就憲兵學校內有外顯或內隱酒駕行為者共9員進行訪談後綜合分析。 就受訪者之陳述中,本研究先從「部隊環境與酒的關係」予以探討後,依據犯罪學理論中之「一般化犯罪理論」(A General Theory of Crime),分對針對Crime(犯罪)與Criminality (犯罪性)個別探討的觀念,而將酒駕問題區分以「事件」為主軸的「酒駕行為之現象、成因與相關影響」和以「人」為主軸的「酒駕與個人特性之關聯」等二項主題分別研討、交互驗證;另外,則藉由受訪者的角度,來評論現今政府所訂定違反酒駕行為後所需面臨的嚴刑峻罰,及軍中所強制推動的內控作為(如「宣教」、「反向查詢」及「建立嗜酒人員名冊」等)外,並請受訪者據以提供更為具體的策進作為,以供參據。 最後本研究除針對現行酒駕防治政策據以檢討外,更根據上述訪談所得,據以提出以下建議:1.強化酒宴三級預防2.適當採行減低酒駕機會之調整機制3.敬邀酒駕肇事或遭舉發者現身說法4.強化行車安全教育5.強化專業輔導作為,深入掌握官兵心緒6.強硬執行汰除政策7.落實管考作為8.賡續落實宣教作為9.在上位者以身作則10.酒駕人員之同席者及共乘者應予連坐處分,期能有效防範、減少酒駕行為之肇生。


Though Taiwan government has made efforts to amend laws to deter drunk driving since April, 1999, the majority of car accidents resulted from it according to statistics of causes of car accidents from 2007 to 2010. Soldiers are deemed as the national assets; hence, no matter where the DUI accidents happen, on base or off base, the loss to country is hardly estimable. In 2010, 167 military personnel were sentenced for drunk driving, which emphasizes the importance of DUI issue. Military police are law-enforcers. If military police violate laws, they will lose the justification to enforce the laws; therefore the military police are selected for the main objects of this study, the military police school is said to be “the cradle of military police”, since it is the origin of military police, moreover, there are many trainees in military police school coming from different units of military police, therefore, the members of the military police school can be viewed as good samples of this study. The factors for DUI are so complex that only doing quantitative research is hard to observe all aspects. Since DUI issues are very sensitive, the interviewer has to establish close rapport with subjects to acquire the decision process of drunk driving. To collect more detailed data through the interactive process, qualitative approach was applied. Moreover, this study applied purposive sampling to interview 9 school members who have explicit or implicit tendency to drive after drinking. To begin with, this study focuses on the relations between military environment and alcohol, according to one of the important crime theories, called “A General Theory of Crime”, to discuss the important concepts about “Crime” and “Criminality” respectively, which can help to analyze the following two main kinds of issues and their cross validation; one is the event based issues about the phenomenon and reason of drunk driving, and their influence, and the other is the human based issues about the connection of drunk driving and human personality. On the other hand, according to the points of view of the interviewee, to comment on the established penalty laws about drunk driving in the government, which are more and more severe to the drunk driver and the established self-control devices have been strictly executing in the military, such as “propaganda and education”, “the reverse inquiring”, and “establish the name list of winebibbing” etc. And then, to ask the interviewee to consider how to propose more efficient prevention strategy for drunk driving, which are good for this study. Finally, this study has reviewed the current prevention strategies of drunk driving in the government and military, and then according to the results of the interviews, to propose some suggestions to effectively lessen DUI accidents as follows; 1. Effecting tertiary prevention of banquet. 2. Adopting suitable adjustment mechanism to reduce DUI. 3. Inviting drunk-drivers to cite their own experiences. 4. Promoting traffic safety education. 5. Giving professional guidance and assistance. 6. Fulfilling strictly job dismissal of drunker drivers. 7. Implementing control and inspection. 8. Continuing propaganda and education. 9. Leading by personal example. 10. Disciplining drunk-drivers and passengers.


葉寶文、傅祖壇,2006,<酒後駕車行為決策之研究>。《運輸計劃季刊》35(3) : 337 - 364。


