  • 學位論文

地方政府內部跨單位合作網絡之研究- 以臺北市大同區執行臺北好好看系列六計畫為例

Study on Intra-agency Cooperation Network of Local Government: Case Study of the “Taipei Beautiful IV Plan” in the Datong District, Taipei City

指導教授 : 呂育誠


本論文期望透過『「臺北好好看系列計畫」系列六 都市空地利用』之個案運作進行探討的方式與地方政府跨單位合作網絡機制之理論作結合。因此,本研究研究重點在於參與計畫之各局處與區公所之間於地方政府跨單位合作網絡機制中的合作關係,以文獻分析法與個案研究法針對地方政府內部跨單位合作網絡與臺北好好看系列六計畫之相關理論與內涵之文獻檢閱以及大同區執行計畫進行探討,並藉由深度訪談法將跨單位合作網絡的實務運作予以檢視後,以了解地方政府跨單位合作的具體意涵以及各參與單位在地方政府跨單位合作機制中所應扮演的角色、職責、功能與定位,並建構地方政府跨單位合作網絡之機制及運作流程。 本研究章節安排如下: 第一章 緒論:針對研究動機與目的、概念界定、研究範圍與研究方法進行說明。 第二章 文獻分析:首先就跨單位合作網絡的相關文獻進行分析,將既有研究成果予以歸納,以建構出研究架構,並針對臺北好好看系列計畫的整體內涵進行了解。 第三章 訪談設計與執行:本章第一節為研究流程,第二節主要在於探討大同區執行本計畫之概況,第三節基於本研究採深度訪談法而進行事前的訪談設計,第四節針對實際的訪談執行過程予以詳細說明。 第四章 跨單位合作網絡的實務運作:本章節主要針對參與者角色與功能、特性與需求以及跨單位合作網絡機制與流程的實務面予以詳細的說明與分析。 第五章 結論:本研究藉由將理論與實務的比較結果,得出研究發現,並基於理論與實務上的落差將跨單位合作網絡機制予以再建構,最後根據研究限制提出後續的研究建議。


Through the “Taipei Beautiful IV Plan – Utilization of Vacant Areas”, this study aimed at understanding the integration of policy administration and the theory of the Intra-agency Cooperation Network mechanism. The study focused on the cooperation relationship among governmental agencies, including official departments, the district office, and several boroughs in Datong that participated in the Taipei Beautiful IV Plan. Based on methods of literature review and case study, researchers examined the intra-agency cooperation network mechanism, the Taipei Beautiful IV Plan, and the implementation of this plan in Datong. Furthermore, in-depth interviews were conducted to realize the intent of intra-agency cooperation and the roles, responsibilities, functions, and positions of governmental units that were involved in the cooperation mechanism. The mechanism and operational process of the intra-agency cooperation network were also established. Chapters in this study are listed as follows: Chapter 1 – Introduction: the chapter states the motivation and purpose of this study, identifies the concept used, and describes the scope and methods of this study. Chapter 2 – Literature analysis: this chapter describes how researchers performed an analysis and generalization of literatures regarding the intra-agency cooperation network to create the study framework and examined the intent of the Taipei Beautiful IV Plan. Chapter 3 – Design and administration of interviews: section 1 in this chapter shows the study process. The second section discusses the status of the implementation of the Taipei Beautiful IV Plan in Datong. Design of pre-interviews for in-depth interviews is described in the third section. In the forth section, the actual process of in-depth interviews is depicted. Chapter 4 – Operation of the intra-agency cooperation network: this chapter provides a detailed description and analysis of roles, functions, characteristics, and needs of the governmental participants and the practices of the intra-agency cooperation network mechanism. Chapter 5 – Conclusion: the study results were generated after a comparison between theory and practice. The gap between theory and practice assisted in re-establishing the intra-agency cooperation network mechanism. Recommendations for future studies were proposed according to study limitations.




