  • 學位論文


The influence of Virtual Direct Experience(VDE), AD Message Appeals, and Virtually Experiential Products on On-line AD Effectiveness

指導教授 : 邱光輝


網際網路蓬勃發展,提供消費者充分的資訊,其多對多、互動、及時回饋的溝通方式,能針對消費者的特定需求,提供適當的資訊能力。對廣告媒體而言,亦創造新的溝通環境。 傳統的廣告媒介,廠商常使用廣告訊息和直接經驗,這兩種資訊來和顧客做溝通與交流。而廣告的訴求訊息,能影響消費者對廣告態度以及購買產品的意願,但實體的直接經驗的傳遞卻會受到網路的限制,導致無法完整的呈現給網路使用者,故在網際網路上,透過數位化的方式傳遞產品的經驗屬性稱為虛擬直接經驗(Vitrual direct expence; VDE)。另外,當選擇不同高低虛擬經驗屬性產品時,可能會對網路廣告效果造成影響。因此,本研究以網路廣告效果為主軸,欲探討虛擬直接經驗差別是否會對網路廣告效果有影響?不同的廣告訊息訴求是否會對網路廣告效果有影響?以及在不同虛擬直接經驗程度的前提下,廣告的訊息訴求與不同虛擬經驗產品類型是否對網路廣告效果造成影響,此三因子間是否存在交互作用? 在本研究中,採用2(高、低虛擬直接經驗)×2(理性訴求、感性訴求)×2(高、低虛擬經驗屬性產品)三因子實驗設計,經過三階段的前測,選出適合進行實驗的商品以及實驗廣告,利用敘述性統計、Spearman相關分析,一因子、二因子、與三因子變異數分析來驗證本研究假設。 本研究結果為不同虛擬直接經驗之差別對於網路廣告效果會造成影響,不同的廣告訊息訴求會對網路廣告效果造成影響,且在不同虛擬直接經驗差別下對於廣告訊息訴求與不同虛擬經驗產品類型對於網路效果皆有顯著影響與交互作用,希冀能透過本實驗加以驗證,以進一步提升網路廣告之策略應用。


In traditional physical advertising channel, firms use advertising message and direct experiences to communication with customers. The message in advertising is capable of affecting customers’ desires for products and their attitudes toward advertising. However, virtual experience is constrained by the Internet that it cannot be completely presented to the internet users. Therefore, sending products experiences in digital way in the Internet is Virtual Direct Experience (VDE).In addition, different types of products might cause influences on-line AD effectiveness. This study is based on on-line AD effectiveness to examine if the differences of VDE affect on-line AD effectiveness and if different AD appeals influence on-line AD effectiveness. Also, on the basis of VDE, this paper deals with another idea that whether AD appeals and different virtual experiential products influence on-line AD message effectiveness. As a result, there exist interaction effects between above three factors. This research is randomly assigned to one of each experimental manipulation in a 2(High vs. Low VDE)×2(Rational appeals vs. Emotion appeal)×2(High vs. Low virtually experiential products)factorial design. Appropriate products and advertisements for experiment were chosen after three pretests. In the next step, the descriptive statistics, Spearman relation analysis, one-way ANOVA, two-way ANOVA, three-way MANOVA are adopted to testify the assumed hypotheses. In this research, the results indicate that the differences of VDE and AD message appeals will influence on-line AD effectiveness. Besides, under different VDE, AD message appeals and different virtual experiential products have huge impacts on on-line AD effectiveness. This paper aims at proving above assumptions through the experiment to promote the strategies of on-line AD.


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