  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 周登陽


摘要 為瞭解目前已由公路主管機關登記為報廢、繳銷、吊註銷、報停等不應行駛公路之車輛,在不同省道區域路段違規行駛之現狀,本研究蒐集省道台18、台20、台3線佈設之17處車輛辨識系統裝置,全天候雙向路過之大量汽車號牌樣本,及結合監理機關車籍資料,比較同一條省道不同地點,及三條省道違規樣態分布比例與差異,以提供監理、警政等執法機關制定相關政策之參考。研究另探討「違規量」與地點之「海拔高度」間是否存在高度越高,違規車越多或越少之線性關係,本研究採「皮爾森積差相關係數」分析加以釐清假說是否成立;及採用單因子變異數分析(ANOVA),探討各路線蒐集點母體群組間之差異,分析「時段違規量」、「廠牌」、「車齡」、「車籍地」等延伸變項之比例差異,及試圖解釋在不同路線之群組中為何違規數最高之車齡均指向22年之現象。


Abstract The motor vehicles that have been registered by the highway management authority as in revocation, cancellation, suspension or hanging in cancellation are forbidden to be on the road. With a goal to understand the present non-compliance status of these forbidden vehicles on different regions of provincial roads, this study collects a vast amount of samples of vehicle plates bypassing the 3 provincial highways in both directions, including Tai-18, Tai-20, Tai-3 from 17 auto vehicle identification (AVI) system devices installed along these highways. By combining the collected data with vehicles’ registration information provided from the Department of motor vehicle (DMV), and by comparing the distribution and deviation of the illegal-driving cases at different sections of the same provincial highway, and at the three chosen provincial highways, the results of the present study provide important information for DMV, the traffic police authorities and other law enforcement agencies to develop policies to address this issue and to reduce the number of illegal driving cases. This study also interrogates whether a linear correlation exist between the number of non-compliance cases and the altitude. Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficient has been adapted to carry out the analysis and to clarify the above hypothesis. The single factor analysis of variance (ANOVA) is used to interrogate the difference between the samples collected from different collecting points on various routes. The distributions of some extended factors, including the temporal duration for the non-compliance, the brand of the vehicles, the ages of the vehicles and the cities where the vehicles are registered were taken into account for the analysis. Efforts are made to explain the phenomenon why among all collection groups on different highways the highest number of violations occurs for the vehicles with a car age of 22 years.


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