  • 學位論文


Impact of the implement of gender equity education on student's coping capacity to peer sexual harassment

指導教授 : 侯崇文


正值青春期的青少年,對性有許多的好奇,並試圖探索。然在互動過程,稍一不慎即可能產生性騷擾行為。學校推動性別平等教育的過程,亦希望對性騷擾行為產生預防效果或是協助學生處理性騷擾行為。本研究就學校行政人員觀點探討學校實施性別平等教育對於校園同儕性騷擾行為的效益,與性騷擾防治課程對學生的影響,供教育人員推行性騷擾防治教育時參考。 本研究針對新北市土城區三所國民中學八年級在學學生進行抽樣問卷調查(回收率85.3%),本研究結果顯示: 1、學校實施性別平等教育課程或宣導有助於學生對性別平等與性騷擾行為的 認知。 2、「影片欣賞」、「漫畫」、「角色演練」等方式會讓學生比較清楚如何回應同 儕性騷擾行為。 3、男女生遭受同儕性騷擾的比例接近,男生比女生略高5.6%,受害樣態有性 別差異。 4、「對你說些不受歡迎的言辭:講黃色笑話或噁心、挑逗,猥褻的話」是最 常發生的性騷擾行為。 5、單一性騷擾行為的認定有性別差異,身體碰觸的性騷擾行為認定較非身體 碰觸高。 6、侵害程度較輕微的性騷擾行為發生頻率越高,越不容易被學生認定是性騷 擾。 7、「當我遇到性騷擾,我會當面拒絕、抗議」、「當我遇到性騷擾,我會立刻 離開現場」、「當我遇到性騷擾,我會以身體或物品加以反擊」是三種最可 能採用的方式。 8、因應行為在性別上並無差異,而接受過性騷擾防治課程的學生在採取反擊 式因應上則有顯著差異。 最後歸納本研究限制,並針對學校實施性別平等教育宣導與性騷擾防治課程提供建議,與未來研究方向供後續研究者參考。


Adolescents are curious about sex and try to explore it. Nevertheless, sexual harassment happens in the period of peer interaction. The implement of gender equity education at school tried to prevent peer sexual harassment and helped them cope with sexual harassment. This research tried to comprehend the benefit of the implement of gender equity education to peer sexual harassment and the impact of this program on students from a school officer's point of view and took it as a reference for educators. This research recruited students from three junior high schools in Tucheng district in New Taipei City (overall response rate: 85.3%), and the study results showed: 1. The implement or propagation of gender equity education at school helped students understand gender equity and sexual harassment. 2.“Film shows”,“comics” or “role play” helped students know more about coping skills to sexual harassment. 3. There were no gender differences in proportion of victimization to sexual harassment; males were 5.6% more than females and gender differences in types of victimization was remarkable. 4.“Speaking out undesirable words: porny jokes and grody, seductive or obscene words”was the most common form of sexual harassment. 5. Gender differences in identification of a single assaulting behavior were found, and physical contact was more usually identified as sexual harassment than non-physical type. 6. The more frequently minor assaulting behaviors happened, the more unobtrusively would those behaviors be identified as sexual harassment. 7.“Refusing and protest on the spot”, “leaving the locale” and “using one’s body or weapons to fight back ” were the three most common ways to deal with sexual harassment. 8. There were no gender differences in coping skills, and significant differences in “fighting back” strategies among students who joined in lectures for sexual harassment prevention was marked. Study limitation, policy implication for gender equity education and direction for future research were noticed in the end.


呂寶靜(1995)。工作場所性騷擾之研究: 臺灣地區案例探討。國立政治大學
