  • 學位論文


A Study on Copyright Online Licensing

指導教授 : 謝銘洋
共同指導教授 : 陳榮傳


隨著網際網路的發展及數位化時代的來臨,對於現代人來說,生活作息幾乎在在與網路息息相關,就著作物交易市場以觀,除了利用到他人著作之情形愈趨普遍者外,著作流通的交易方式也產生了許多變化。現今著作利用人所關心的重點已經不再是如何與著作權利人商議授權契約,而是於其取得授權之過程中,在前階段欲查詢確認著作權利資訊時即產生了一定程度上的困難,著作權法在保障著作權利人的同時,倘若能夠提供著作利用人較為簡便之授權機制,活絡著作權交易市場,對於權利人及利用人來說均較為有利,本文主要係由著作利用人的角度出發,探討是否能夠透過線上授權機制之方式,提供利用人便捷之授權途徑。 目前我國著作利用人可以利用網路查詢之著作權利資訊十分有限,除了極少數之情形以外,亦缺乏著作權線上授權機制,面對數位化時代的來臨,國外在著作權之授權機制上已經產生了相關不同程度上之著作權線上授權機制,本文係以比較法之研究方式,以目前美國及日本著作權線上授權機制現況為研究範圍,希望可以藉由對國外著作權線上授權機制之整理,作為我國未來發展著作權線上授權機制之參考。此外,由於目前國外文獻上有直接針對著作權線上授權機制加以討論者似不多見,故本文有關美國及日本相關線上授權機制之說明,主要係以網路上所得獲取之資料為主。 本論文一共分為六章,第一章為「緒論」,主要係就研究目的、方法、範圍等為說明。第二章為「數位時代下著作權授權利用模式之變動」,對現行著作權授權利用模式受網路等因素影響所生之變化進行整理。第三章為「美國著作權線上檢索系統及授權機制之運作現況」,主要係針對美國著作權線上檢索系統及授權機制之運作現況為說明,內容主要分為三大部分,首先就著作權登記制度與檢索資料庫之有無進行說明,再分別對著作權集體管理團體,以及非透過著作權集體管理團體之線上授權機制進行整理。第四章則為「日本著作權線上檢索系統及授權機制之運作現況」,原則上亦以前述美國運作現況之說明架構,整理日本著作權線上授權機制之現況。第五章為「我國著作權授權機制之現狀及其相關問題」。最後,第六章為「建置我國著作權線上檢索系統及授權機制之評估-代結論」,主要希望可以藉由政策、實務等角度,分析我國是否有設置著作權線上授權機制之必要,以我國目前之情形,應如何對線上授權機制加以規劃為宜,如要設置著作權利資訊線上檢索系統,甚至是線上授權平台,可以由何主體運作較為適宜等進行整理分析作為本文之結論,並提出建置我國著作權線上授權機制之相關建議。


As the era of the Internet and digitization comes, Internet has had an important part in almost every aspect of modern life. As to the market of works of authorship, not only the use of others’ works has become more common, the manner of transaction has also changed. Rather than focusing on how to negotiate a licensing agreement with the copyright owner, now the user of a work cares even more about surveying and confirming copyrights, with which certain difficulties exist, before obtaining authorization. If the Copyright Law could provide the licensees a more convenient authorization mechanism to facilitate copyright-related transactions, it will be beneficial to both copyright owners and users. This thesis discusses whether “Copyright Online Licensing” provides a more convenient way of licensing from the perspective of licensees. Currently in Taiwan, there is limited resource of searching copyrights on Internet. There is not an online licensing mechanism either. Different systems of “Copyright Online Licensing” have been set up in foreign soils in coordination with the digital era. This thesis uses the comparative studies to research the American and Japanese “Copyright Online Licensing” systems, which may shed light on the establishment of copyright online licensing mechanism in Taiwan. Because there is not much discussion about “Copyright Online Licensing” mechanism in Taiwan, this thesis relies mainly on literature obtained from the Internet for the description of the American and Japanese copyright online licensing systems. There are six chapters in this thesis. The First Chapter introduces the motive, methods and scope of this thesis. The Second Chapter, “Transition of Copyright Licensing Module in Digital Era”, describes how Internet changes the way of copyright licensing. The Third Chapter, “Insight of U.S. Online Copyright Searching and Licensing System”, covers the copyright information database, registration system, and collective and individual managements of copyright. The Fourth Chapter is “Insight of Japanese Online Copyright Searching and Licensing System. The Fifth Chapter is “Overview of Taiwan Copyright Licensing System and the Related Issues ”. The Sixth Chapter, “Conclusion- the Evaluation of Establishing Online Copyright Researching and Licensing System in Taiwan”, offers suggestion on the establishment of the system in Taiwan.


7.李婉萍,著作權授權的新興模式-Creative Commons創意公用授權淺介,科技法律透析,第16卷第10期,2004年10月,頁2-5。


