  • 學位論文


The Study of Preliminary Injunction

指導教授 : 駱永家教授


第一章 緒論-定暫時狀態假處分可作為提前實現債權人本案請求之方法,實務上屢屢被使用作為避免等待本案訴訟結果期間所受不利益之方法,但此是否適當?如何使定暫時狀態假處分能發揮其功能,為本論文探討重點。 第二章 本章第一節為假處分制度概說。第二節論述假處分之種類。第三節論述假處分之特性。第四節介紹假處分與仲裁合意間之關係。第五節概述他國假處分制度。第六節介紹假處分裁定之審理程序及方法。第七節論述假處分裁定效力。第八節介紹假處分裁定之抗告程序。第九節論述假處分裁定之撤銷。第十節介紹我國假處分之執行程序。 第三章 定暫時狀態假處分總論。本章第一節介紹定暫時狀態假處分之性質及功能。第二節論述定暫時狀態假處分與本案訴訟間之關係。第三節論述定暫時狀態假處分之要件,包括被保全權利及保全必要性。被保全權利是債權人依其本案請求向法院請求為一暫時處分之權利。保全必要性,是指在本案判決確定前有先使債權人取得假處分執行名義之必要性。第四節論述擔保額之核定。第五節探討定暫時狀態假處分之辯論主義適用。第六節探討定暫時狀態假處分之雙方審理程序,包含我國民事訴訟法第538條第4項規定之適用問題。第七節探討定暫時狀態假處分之和解程序。 第四章 定暫時狀態假處分各論。第一節概述各該定暫時狀態假處分類型。第二節至第四節、第六節至第十二節依序分別論述通行權妨害防止假處分;生活利益受侵害之禁止建築假處分;名譽權及隱私權受侵害之禁止出版、販售及散布假處分,及道歉啟事登載假處分;薪資暫付假處分;離職員工競業禁止假處分;禁止受僱人為爭議行為假處分;禁止董事執行職務假處分;禁止股東會召集假處分;禁止股東行使股東會表決權假處分,專利事件禁止侵害之定暫時狀態假處分,其被保全權利、保全必要性、擔保額核定及主文記載方式。第五節討論定勞工暫時地位假處分之合法性及保全必要性。 第五章 裁判評釋。第一節為被保全權利及保全必要性之實務見解評述。第二節為我國民事訴訟法第538條第4項但書規定之實務見解評述。第三節為定勞工暫時地位假處分之實務見解評述。 第六章 結論。本章將綜合討論本論文之重點,包括定暫時狀態假處分之種類、目的、特性、要件、管轄、救濟程序、釋明責任分配及釋明程度等,並論述我國民事保全程序規定之體系整編,及本論文所具之時代意義。


The research contains six chapters. Chapter 1: Preface— Preliminary injunctions can be used as a method for creditors to satisfy their claims in advance. In actual practice, it has been repeatedly used as a way to avoid suffering disadvantages while the parties wait for the results of the pending action. However, is this appropriate? The proper application of preliminary injunctions is the key point of the dissertation. Chapter 2: The first section of this chapter is a generalization on the injunction. The types of injunctions are discussed in the second section. The third section is about the distinguishing features of injunctions. The relationship between injunctions and arbitration agreements is discussed in the fourth section. In the fifth section, an outline of injunctions system in other countries is discussed. The procedure and method of injunctions are mentioned in the sixth section. The seventh section is concerning the effect of injunctions. The appeal process of the injunctions is discussed in the eighth section. The ninth section is regarding the quashing rules of injunctions. The procedure of executing injunctions in this country is discussed in the tenth section. Chapter 3: General introduction to preliminary injunctions. The first section is about the nature and functions of preliminary injunctions. The relationship between preliminary injunctions and an action on the merits is discussed in the second section. The third section is about the preliminary injunction standards. The applicant for a preliminary injunction has to show that there is a probability of success on the merits of the case, and a need for the interim measure. The measurement of a security is discussed in the fourth section. The fifth section is about the application of the principle of party-presentation in preliminary injunctions . Inter partes procedure of preliminary injunctions is discussed in the sixth section. The settlement procedure of preliminary injunctions is mentioned in the seventh section. Chapter 4: Various theories . The first section sums up each type of preliminary injunctions. From Section 2 to 4 and 6 to 12, I will separately introduce preliminary injunctions about how to avoid interference to the right of way, how to restrict construction because of the violation of living benefits, how to restrict publication, selling, distribution and to print offer of apology for the violation of reputation and privacy, how to give employees’ wages, how to order former employees not to compete with their former employers, how to prohibit employees from engaging in disputed behaviors; how to prohibit directors from carrying out their duty, how to prohibit the calling of shareholder’s meeting, how to prohibit shareholders from exercising their shareholder voting rights, how to prohibit the violation of patent events. The fifth section is about the legality and the need of preliminary injunctions for fixing the temporary position of laborers. Chapter 5: Judgment commentary. The first section is about the practical opinion and commentary on the issue of a probability of success on the merits of the case and the need for the provisional measure. The practical opinion and commentary on the provision of Article 538-4 of Taiwan’s Code of Civil Procedure are discussed in the second section. The practical opinion and commentary on provisional injunctions for fixing the temporary position of laborers are discussed in the third section. Chapter 6: Conclusion. The key points of the dissertation, including the types, the purposes, distinguishing features, important conditions, jurisdiction, relief procedures, the burden of proof of preliminary injunctions are integrated in this chapter. Furthermore, the reorganization and consolidation of preliminary injunction systems are discussed. Finally, the significance of the dissertation in this era is also mentioned.




