  • 學位論文


Youth’s Attitudes and Behavior towards Gambling in Macao: An Examination of Four Criminological Theories

指導教授 : 周愫嫻


自從在21世紀初從專營邁向開放競爭後,澳門的博彩業得到空前的發展,澳門的經濟亦因此得到極大的振興;但另一方面,眾多社會問題亦開始慢慢浮現,而青少年賭博問題便是其中一個廣受關注的焦點。本研究便是針對近年博彩業急速發展的澳門,其當下的青少年賭博議題進行實證研究,並以自我控制理論、社會控制理論、一般化緊張理論、社會學習理論等四個犯罪學理論,分析澳門青少年參與賭博活動的原因以及病態賭博的成因。本研究透過立意抽樣,針對1146名澳門中學生進行問卷調查,進行統計分析,主要研究發現如下: 1. 在過去一年,有51.8%的青少年曾經參與過任一種賭博活動,平均每個月在賭博活動上的花費為189.91澳門元,經DSM-IV-MR-J量表測定,有1.8%的青少年被測定為病態賭徒。 2. 在參與賭博活動的原因以及病態賭博的成因方面,本研究發現,自我控制理論、社會控制理論、一般化緊張理論、社會學習理論皆能有效解釋青少年在賭博活動上的參與程度以及病態賭博問題,而當中又以社會學習理論的解釋力最高,社會控制理論最低。   總結研究發現,本研究認為,青少年參與賭博活動,乃至沉迷其中出現病態賭博問題,背後是由種種學校、家庭、同儕和個人因素,彼此間相互推拉、交互作用下造成。青少年如果在學校和家庭中生活得不開心,而他在外面又結識到有賭博習慣的朋友,而他本身又是低自我控制、不認同傳統價值的,青少年便很有可能會去跟這些朋友一齊參與賭博活動,借參與賭博活動來把學校和家庭中不開心的事情拋諸腦後,在參與賭博上尋找即時的享樂和朋友所給予的接納與認同。而青少年愈益的參與,便可能愈益的沉迷,最終便出現病態賭博問題。   本研究按照上述研究發現提出如下的預防建議: 1. 政府提供配套資源,建立以學校為中心、公共健康模式為基礎的預防體系。 2. 政府提供配套資源,讓學校為學生營造一個更友善的師生互動環境,更愉快的校園生活。 3. 政府提供配套資源,強化父母教養子女的認知與能力,提升子女的自我控制。   最後,本研究亦根據上述研究發現,對犯罪學理論解釋特定社會的特定行為的適用性、犯罪學理論間概念與測量重疊、自我控制理論的通用性、青少年賭博研究的理論基礎等問題進行討論。


After the Macao government ended the monopoly system and agreed to liberalize the gaming industry in the early 21st century, the gaming industry in Macao has been prospering and therefore the economy in the region has developed vigorously. However, a great number of social problems have since arisen. Juvenile gambling is one of the major social problems that have attracted most public attention. This research is an empirical study on current juvenile gambling in Macao. In addition, the reasons why teenagers in Macao participate in gambling activities and the causes of pathological gambling will be analyzed through four criminological theories, namely: self control theory, social control theory, general strain theory and social learning theory. Purposive sampling is used in this research and 1,146 secondary school students in Macao participated in the survey. The major findings are as follows: 1. 51.8% of teenagers in Macao have participated in some kind of gambling activities in the last 12 months. On average, they spend MOP $ 189.91 on gambling each month. After the analysis of DSM-IV-MR-J criteria, it shows that 1.8% of teenagers are classified as pathological gamblers. 2. As far as the reasons why teenagers in Macao participate in gambling activities and the causes of pathological gambling are concerned, this research found that self control theory, social control theory, general strain theory and social learning theory are all applicable to help explain the degree of gambling participation of the teenagers and also to explain pathological gambling. Among the four criminological theories, social learning theory has the greatest capacity to help explaining the problems, while social control theory is least capable. In summary, this research suggests that the reasons why teenagers participate in or even become addicted to gambling are due to the following factors: school, family, peer and individual. By pushing and pulling each other, these factors interact and lead to the problems of gambling. If a teenager does not feel happy in school or at home and meets some friends who are in the habit of gambling, he will participating in the gambling activities with his friends, dependent on whether hi is a person who is against traditional values and has low self-control. By participating in the gambling activities, the teenager can forget about the unhappiness in his life and can seek instant gratification and also identify with his friends. The more he participates in gambling, the more addicted he becomes. In the end, pathological gambling may result. Based on the findings above, this research suggests the following prevention policies: 1. The government provides necessary resources, and establishes a school-centered preventive system which is based on a public health model. 2. The government provides necessary resources, and helps the school to provide the students with a friendlier environment which encourages interaction between teachers and students. It can help the students to have a happier campus life. 3. The government provides necessary resources, and guides parents how to teach their children and promote self control. This research has examined: the applicability of using criminological theories to explain specific behavior within this society, the overlap between the concept and measurement of criminological theories, generalizations from self control theory and the theoretical foundation of the juvenile gambling phenomenon.


2006 〈不同犯罪類型受刑人低自我控制特質之比較研究〉。《犯罪與刑事司法研究》7:1-34。


