  • 期刊


A Qualitative Analysis of the Developmental Process of Professional Gambling


本研究以半結構性訪談法及深度訪談法蒐集資料,以紮根理論研究法爲資料分析策略,目的在建構職業賭博犯罪發展歷程之理論。前導性訪談部分,以偵辦賭博案件有豐富經驗的警察人員,以及曾開設武賭職業賭場的民眾爲訪談對象。職業賭客部分,則針對「賭豬型」與「玩賭型」的職業賭客進行深度訪談。 研究發現職業賭客可區分爲「賭豬型」及「玩賭型」兩類。賭博時,「賭豬型」職業賭客較強調情緒上的滿足,「玩賭型」職業賭客賭博的目的則比較工具性,以賭博獲利爲最高原則。 研究的主要發現爲:職業賭客是具有「低互賴人口特性」及「低自控心理特質」的民眾,在成長過程中,接觸到賭博的環境;加上被賭博的特色所吸引,逐漸走入參與賭博犯罪的生涯。而成長過程中的重大生活事件,也是促發職業賭客進入賭博犯罪生涯的重要成因。 賭博犯罪的發展歷程及影響階段,大致可區分爲「潛因期」、「深化期」及「固著期」等三個階段。發展歷程又可以劃分爲「原生家庭生活」、「學校生涯」、「初入社會」及「行爲深化」等四個時期。


This study inquires into the developmental process of professional gambling. It uses the in-depth interview as the method and grounded theory as the analytic approach. The aim of this research is to construct a theory of the developmental process of professional gambling. The subjects for interview were pre-selected by police officers with substantial experience in handling gambling cases; two kinds of professional gambler were selected-the ”addicted gambler”, and the ”regular gambler”. In-depth interviews were conducted with this sample. Analysis of the interview data suggests that the professional gambler can be seen as of two types-the ”addicted gambler” and the ”regular gambler”. The addicted gambler, in contrast to the 'regular' gambler, emphases the 'enjoyment'/'buzz' from gambling. But, the regular gambler has a greater instrumental approach to the activity of gambling-it is a tool, making profits is the first priority. Professional gamblers are people who possess characteristics of low interdependency and low self-control; they are initially attracted into gambling behavior via frequently contacts with the gambling environment, as part of their growth process, and then gradually enter the career of gambling. Significant life events in this process play an important role in becoming a professional gambler. The process of development and attachment to gambling may be approximately divided into stages: ”the latent stage”, ”the deepening stage”, and ”the addiction stage”. The development process may be separated into ”the family life period”, ”the school career period”, ”the society life period”, and ”the fixation of behavior period”.


