  • 學位論文


The Transitions of Juvenile Correction Facilities in Taiwan:Evidence from Chin-Chen Correction School

指導教授 : 周愫嫻


從1999年之後我國少年司法矯正機構正式走上少年矯正機構學校化的方向,依收容少年的不同,明陽中學是收容被判處有期徒刑之少年,而桃輔、彰輔及誠正中學則收容受感化教育處分之少年,誠正中學雖與明陽中學同時成立,但其收容對象跟輔育院並無差異。因此「誠正中學」在我國少年矯正機構歷史脈絡上,是立足在新轉變、舊承接的變遷點上,故特意選擇「誠正中學」來觀察臺灣少年矯正機構的變遷。 本研究採取歷史研究法,且以文獻探討方向作為選擇檔案之基礎,利用蒐集紀錄之檔案以Excel建立一時間地圖,研究分析誠正中學1999年到2010年的教務、訓導、人事等三類檔案,以探求四面向之脈絡變化: 一、該學校內部組織與管理之變化。 二、該學校內部規範之變化。 三、該學校矯正工作人員之變化。 四、該學校學生之變化。 最後根據這些變化進一步預測日後我國犯罪少年處遇之發展。 檔案分析發現:1學校內教導與戒護無法整合,且有分界更清楚之趨勢;重要切點-2006年;女生班的討論與結果-絢爛但短暫。 根據過去我國犯罪少年處遇發展的節奏,以及本文研究的發現,日後我國少年矯正教育前進方向必然受矯正署牽動外,矯正學校的校長應該是立即能為少年矯正教育帶來變化之要角。 除此之外,本研究使用的檔案面臨著資料的斷裂性、不連續性,顯然印證了傅科在「知識的考掘」書中提到的新史學的觀點-斷裂的資料可能被並立、相隨、重合,或者交接,但沒有一者可被縮減為一直線形的架構。當本研究的時間地圖是攀沿在傅柯的非線性歷史觀點上來看,這個不連貫是似非而是弔詭觀念,是我們研究歷史的目標,也是我們運用的工具,於是我們可以看清楚的了解,我國少年的矯正教育,無論是它的發展、脈絡,或者成效,就像是一個永無止境的挖掘工作。


From 1999 juvenile correctional facilities in Taiwan were officially modified to become juvenile correctional schools. Different institutions were established based on the nature of a juvenile delinquent’s offense. Ming Yang Correction School for example admits incarcerated juveniles while Taoyuan Reform School, Changhua Reform School, and Chin-Chen Correction School admit minors sentenced to reform education. Although Chin-Chen Correction School was established at the same time as Ming Yang Correction School, the minors that Chin-Chen Correction School admits are no different from those admitted by reform schools. This study selected Chin-Chen Correction School to observe the transformation in juvenile reform since Chin-Chen as an institution that marks a turning point in juvenile correction in Taiwan. This study adopted the historical research method. Using the direction of past studies to select archives, a time line map was constructed in Excel from the collected archive records. archives involving educational administration, student disciplinary records, and personnel of Chin-Chen Correction School from 1999 to 2010 were analyzed to explore the transformations in four aspects within the school: 1. Organization and management; 2. Codes and regulations; 3. Reform personnel; 4. Students. Based on the transformations in these aspects, future developments in juvenile corrections in Taiwan were further predicted. Analysis of the files revealed that protection and teaching were not integrated properly in the school; the gap between the two in fact became clearer. The year 2006 marked an important event; the discussion of a class for female students, which was brilliant but short-lived. According to the pace of development in the treatment of juvenile delinquents in Taiwan and the findings of this study, influence from the Department of Correction on the future of correctional education is inevitable; however, the true key players that can bring immediate change to juvenile education and reform are the principals of the reform schools. The data of the archives collected in this study was fractured and discontinuous, which confirms the view of the historical method that Foucault mentioned in his book, The Archaeology of Knowledge: fractured data may be “juxtaposed to one another, follow one another, overlap and intersect, without one being able to reduce them to a linear schema.” Superposing the time map of this study onto Foucault’s nonlinear historical view, this discontinuity is a paradox, which is the goal of historical study as well as the means. As a result, we can clearly see that reform education in Taiwan is capable of endless excavation.


王珮瑩,2009,〈日治時期「台灣不良少年」的誕生─從成德學校與新竹少年監獄的成立談起〉。《第九屆東亞STS 網絡會議暨第一屆STS 學會年會國際聯合會議》,4月17日─4月19日,國立成功大學醫學院醫學科技與社會研究中心、台灣科技與社會研究學會主辦。


