  • 學位論文


A Study of The Impact of Declining Birthrate on The Relationship Among Private High/Vocational Schools’ School Identity Management, School Public Relations, and Organization Effectiveness

指導教授 : 楊文山


國內近年來人口生育率急遽下降,人口結構呈少子化型態,人口數量直接影響教育需求量,連帶影響教育的整體發展和學校規模。在學校體系中,目前尤以小學階段首當其衝,原不必擔心招生問題的公立學校,亦開始感受到生存競爭的壓力。本研究以台北市、新北市私立高中職學校之教師為母體進行分層抽樣,抽取四種不同規模學校的教師樣本數分別為(1)12班以下的學校抽取100位(2)13-24班的學校抽取100位(3)25-48班的學校抽取100位(4)49班以上的學校抽取100位學校老師。 從單因子變異數分析研究結果發現,年齡、學校規模、教師知覺少子化對學校未來規模影響、教師知覺少子化對學校未來發展影響的不同會影響學校形象管理之差異存在;性別、學校規模、教師知覺少子化對學校未來規模影響、教師知覺少子化對學校未來發展影響的不同會影響學校公共關係之差異存在;學校規模、教師知覺少子化對學校未來規模影響、教師知覺少子化對學校未來發展影響的不同會影響學校組織效能之差異存在。從迴歸分析來看「性別」、「年齡」、「服務年資」、「教育程度」、「擔任職務」、「兼行政職」、「學校規模」七個自變項與「教師知覺少子化知識性問題」、「教師知覺少子化對學校未來規模影響」、「教師知覺少子化對學校未來發展影響」三個中介變項所建立的迴歸模式適配度(Goodness of fit)對於學校形象管理、學校公共關係與學校組織效能是非常理想,其中以教師知覺少子化對學校未來規模影響、教師知覺少子化對學校未來發展影響中介變項與學校形象管理、學校公共關係與學校組織效能間係有顯著關聯性。 根據本研究結果,有以下兩點建議: 一、學校發展企業規模、多元觸角並永續經營: 學校在辦學經營策略上可以更企業化,除提升辦學品質及優良師資外,更可導入企業化概念,追求產能與產值的效益。校方應採取激勵與引導,鼓勵教師專業進修及成長,學校有了共同願景,成員為目標而努力,學校的特色自然而然建立出來。 二、教師發展專業知能,精緻教學並特色紮根: 因應少子化時代的來臨,當務之急是提升國家競爭力,這需在國民教育階段紮根,提高教學品質,甚至提供符合學生個別化需求之適合的情境化教學與教學環境,特別是要能因應將來職場的需求、生涯規劃及未來社會變遷的整體教育方針。


The rapid decline in fertility in recent years has reflected in the change of population structure. As a result, the decline in population directly affects the education needs, thus influencing the overall development of education and school size, especially the elementary school level that bears the brunt. Originally the public schools do not have to worry about enrollment issues, but they have now beginning to feel the pressure of competition for survival. In this study, teachers in Taipei City, New Taipei City private high/vocational schools were stratified samples, in which the numbers of samples extracted were based on different school size: (1) School of 12 or less classes collected 100 school teachers (2) School of 13-24 classes collected 100 school teachers (3) School of 25-48 classes collected 100 school teachers (4) School of 49 or more classes collected 100 school teachers. Result findings of one way ANOVA show that age, school size, teacher’s perception of declining birthrate affect the future size of the school; the differences of teacher’s perception of how declining birthrate affects the future development of the school will affect the school identity management differently; gender, school size, teacher’s perception of declining birthrate affects the future size of the school; teacher’s perception of how declining birthrate affects the future development of the school will affect the school public relations differently; school size, teacher’s perception of how declining birthrate affects the future size of the school and teacher’s perception of how declining birthrate affects the future development of the school will influence organizational effectiveness differently. From the Regression Analysis of seven independent variables, “gender”, “age”, “years of service”, “educational attainment”, “positions”, “part-time administrative positions” and “school size” and three intervening variables, “teacher’s perception of declining birthrate knowledge problems”, “teacher’s perception of how declining birthrate affects the future size of the school ”, “teacher’s perception of how declining birthrate affects the future development of the school” established a goodness of fit among school identity management, school public relations and organizational effectiveness in the regression model is ideal. Furthermore, teacher’s perception of how declining birthrate affects the future size of the school, teacher’s perception of how declining birthrate affect the future development of the school between intervening variables, the school identity management and the school the public relations and organizational effectiveness have a significant correlation. According to the results of this study, I have two following suggestions: First of all, school need to expand in size and be run under a enterprise model with multi-tentacles to achieve a sustainable management: in terms of their business strategies schools can be more entrepreneurial. Other than improving school quality and recruit excellent teachers, they can also import the enterprise concept - the pursuit of productivity and output efficiency. Schools should take the lead to guide and encourage teachers’ professional learning and growth. When there is a shared vision, members of the system will strive for the goals and the distinctive characteristics of the school can naturally be established. Secondly, teachers should develop professional knowledge, rooted fine teaching and characteristics: The advent of declining birthrate era makes it imperative to enhance national competitiveness, which is rooted in compulsory education and the improvement of teaching quality, and even the provision of service to meet students' individual needs of suitable contextualized teaching and teaching environment. Moreover, the overall education policy should correspond to the workplace needs, individual career planning and social change in the future.


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