  • 學位論文


Characterisics of Juvenile Offenders and Victims for Stealing Virtual Property on the Online Game

指導教授 : 周愫嫻


金車教育基金會於2005與2006年針對青少年所作的休閒活動調查,發現台灣的青少年高達六成幾乎不運動,若只單純看上網行為的話,其比例早已高過看電視,且四成青少年有網路沈迷傾向。然網路使用率普遍提升,卻未能有一套有效的管制工具,導致網路犯罪問題愈來愈多。根據統計,2002-2003年青少年網路犯罪人數由154人急遽增加到1,125人,幾乎成長800%,其中大都集中在偷竊線上遊戲寶物及網路拍賣的詐欺事件。依據此推算,保守估算每年至少有5萬件的青少年網路犯罪案件發生。有鑑於此,本研究以『網路虛擬財物竊盜行為』為例,深入分析目前國中生偷竊網路虛擬財物與被偷竊之經驗。 本研究採用侯崇文與周愫嫻2008年收集之資料,重新進行分析,屬於次級資料分析。本研究將國中生分為四組,分別是:從無加害經驗,也無被害經驗的「安全組」,僅有加害經驗的「加害組」,僅有被害經驗的「被害組」,以及同時具有被害與加害經驗的「循環組」,經過比較分析後,主要研究發現如下:(1)男生、國二與國三、父母較少觀看其上網內容、上網時間越長、高風險偏差同儕愈多者,成為被害組、加害組以及循環組的比例較高。(2)對外貌滿意度愈高者,愈容易成為被害組與循環組;對外貌不滿意者,則容易成為加害組。(3) 三組與安全組配對比較後發現,上網時間長、男性更有機會成為被害組;上網時間長、父母陪伴少、男性更有機會成為加害組;至於上網時間長、高風險同儕多、父母管制多、男性更容易成為「循環組」。本文最後也提出相關建議,用以減少青少年在網路上可能發生的加害與被害行為。


In 2005 and 2006, King Car Educational Foundation carried out a research on youth recreation activities, and discovered that over 60% of the Taiwanese youngsters rarely participate in sport activities. As if we just focus on the internet surfing behavior, the proportion has already exceeded the level of television, and over 40% of the youth have the tendency toward internet addiction. While the use of internet has increased, there is little or no effective regulatory tool to control possible cyber crime or victim of such crime. According to official statistics, in year 2002 to 2003, the number of juvenile cybercrime offenders, mainly in stealing online game treasure and internet auction fraud, increased drastically from 154 to 1,125, which grew almost 800%. It is estimated that there is at least 50,000 of juvenile cybercrime incidents occur every year. The present study aims to explore the virtual treasury theft by analyzing the high school students’ offending and victimized experiences. By using the secondary data collected by Charles Hou and Susyan Jou in 2008, this study divided the subjects into 4 groups: safe group - subjects without any offending and victimized experiences; offender-only group; victim-only group; and victim and offender group (VO) - subjects with both offending and victimized experiences. The main findings include (1) male, aged 13 and 15, more frequent supervised by parents for the internet use, spent less time on the net, more at-risk peer are less likely to be victim-only, offender-only or VO group; (2) subjects with less confident in appearance are more likely to become victim-only and VO group; (3) compared to the safe group, there are more males, frequent net users in victim-only group, more males, frequent net users and less parental supervision in offender-only group, and more males, frequent net users, more at-risk peers, more intensive parental control in VO group. In our last session, recommendations are made to prevent the offence or victim of cyber crime among youngsters.




