  • 學位論文

企業社會責任: 台達電子八八水災救援行動之研究

Corporate Social Responsibility : A study of Rescue Operations of Delta Electronics on August 8 Flood Disaster

指導教授 : 張世賢


近年來,由於環境災難的頻繁發生,企業應具備更前瞻性的思維,協助並維護社會環境,因為企業所做的決策,受到影響之範圍不僅是企業內部,更廣泛影響至社會大眾、環境,故唯有設身處地為大環境著想,才能使企業有更佳之墊基石持續經營。 本論文探討台達電子在八八水災救援中所表現之企業社會責任,其中涵蓋:台達電子參與救援行動之動機、採取之方式與途徑、溝通協調運作過程、與核心能力之結合、推行救援行動所帶來之後續效應等。 本論文透過個案研究法、文獻分析、深入訪談,加以彙總探究台達電子如何投入八八水災救援行動過程,以達成回饋社會之理念。 本論文研究發現為:一、企業強化「真心」回饋社會之心態,才能「真正」獲得社會贊同;二、企業救援行動與其核心能力連結有助於提升整體過程之效率;三、企業執行救援規劃應與相關單位溝通、協調、運作配合,將整合聚集更多資源,使其發揮綜效,並更貼近受災區民眾實際需要;四、提升企業緊急災難應變程序,及災難捐助資金分佈透明化;五、協助受災區學校單位評估救災進度,使救災規劃更具成效。 本論文研究結論為:環境災害越來越多,企業對於環境災害的救援,責無旁貸,企業更應以積極強烈的動機,配合其核心能力,予以救援。台達電子公司的成功實例,印證此企業社會責任的趨勢。


In recent years, due to the frequent occurrence of environmental disasters, the enterprises should have a more forward-thinking, to assist and maintain the social environment. The CSR decisions not only influence the enterprise inside, but also the community, and the environment outside. The enterprises should take CSR, and then keep them better developing. This thesis discusses Delta Electronics rescue operations on August 8 flood disaster performance in its corporate social responsibility, which include: Delta Electronics motives involved in the rescue operations, the manner and means of communication and coordination procedures, and the combination of core competencies to implement the rescue actions. The methods to carry out this thesis are literature analysis, and in-depth interviews, which explore the Delta Electronics actions in August 8 flood rescue operations in order to achieve the idea of more contributing for society. This thesis finds that: 1. Eenterprises strengthen the "true mind" to society and then get the "real" social support;2. Rrescue operations and its corporate core competencies can contribute to improve the overall efficiency of the process;3. Ccorporate executives rescue plan should communicate with the relevant units ; coordination and operational coordination will be integrated together, so that its synergy can be developed, and they can be closer to the actual needs of people in the affected areas;4. It is necessary to enhance corporate emergency disaster response procedures and disaster distribution of donor funds more transparent;5. It is important to assist the school unit to evaluate the progress of rescuing processes . The conclusion of this thesis: The more environmental disasters, the more CSR. Business should adopt a positive strong motivation and its core competencies to the rescue actions. Delta's success stories confirmed this trend of corporate social responsibility.




