  • 學位論文


The Models of Internationalization for Small-and-Medium Sized Service Firms in Taiwan

指導教授 : 蔡坤宏
共同指導教授 : 林婷鈴(Ting-Ling Lin)


隨著全球化時代的來臨,在企業成長過程中,國際化已成為必然的趨勢;過去受制於有限資源與服務傳遞特性的中小型服務業,由於科技、網路蓬勃發展讓貿易障礙下降,企業紛紛走入國際市場,中小型服務業相關國際化議題也逐漸受到關注。中小型企業為主的臺灣,其中又有八成為服務業,近年在政府的開放政策與推動下,這些臺灣廠商對國際市場躍躍欲試,面對競爭變動的總體環境,企業需彈性因應以在市場上持續生存。本研究希望透過文獻整理與個案訪談方式,從中建構中小型服務業之國際化模式,提供給日後想至海外發展或正在進行國際化的企業參考。 首先,對企業國際化相關理論做整理,包含國際化定義與動機、企業國際化的策略與模式、面臨的限制與挑戰等。個案訪談部分,根據文獻設計出訪談問卷的初步架構,經過多次討論與修改後,擬出七個面向,包含企業國際化動機、歷程、方式、國際化前的準備工作、限制與挑戰、國際化對公司的影響,與對公司基本資料的瞭解等;而本研究蒐集的對象是針對已赴海外設立商業據點的服務業業者,總計訪問10家廠商,包含有餐飲業、醫療保健與社會工作服務業、美容美體服務業、教育服務業、娛樂及社會休閒服務業,與技術服務業等產業。 資料呈現結果顯示,企業除了尋求市場機會而國際化,也可能包含文化傳承與行銷母國等因素;在市場的選擇上,本研究個案皆有進入中國市場,業者會從心理距離較近的國家開始,降低風險,提高成功機會,為了建立品牌與擁有高度控制權,則多採獨資方式進入市場,並在經營一段時間後改變展店方式,將人力抽出以做擴張準備;此外,中小型服務業者受制於有限資源與服務傳遞特性,在國際化成長過程中,內外部皆需謹慎調適與準備,網絡關係讓企業能以較低成本取得所需資訊與資源,因此扮演著重要的角色,但服務性產業對人才之迫切需求,是業者的兩大困擾之一,另一項挑戰則是政府政策、法規障礙、投資保障等問題。


Entering an international market for small-and-medium sized service firms was difficult due to resource limitations. Today, new technology and internet has substantially decreased the entrant barriers of international markets, internationalization has become available for small-and-medium sized service firms. Service SMEs occupy a large proportion of firms in Taiwan, and many of them have entered into international markets. This study therefore aims to construct the service SMEs’ internationalization models to those companies which have internationalization intent. First of all, this study starts form reviewing the theories of internationalization, then designed the initial structure of the interview questionnaire according to these literatures. The questionnaire has seven parts after discussions and revisions several times, which includes the company’s basic information, the motivations, processes, methods, preparations, problems and effects of internationalization. Finally, there are ten cases in this study, from catering industry, health related and social services, beauty salon industry, educational services, tourism and travel related services and business services, and most of them are already internationalized. The results of this study could be found that: 1. The firms’ intends of internationalization could include marketing the culture of home country except searching market opportunities. 2. All of the cases of this research chose China to be one of their overseas markets; it shows that in order to reduce the risk and enhance the chances of success, service SMEs would choose the countries which psychic distance is closer. 3. In order to establish brand and own the high degree of control, firms would choose wholly-owned in the market at first, but after operating for a period of time, firms would change the way they expanding stores to get human resources for expansion. 4. Through network relationship, service SMEs could obtain the resources and knowledge they needed with less costs in the process of internationalization. 5. Human resources and government policies (legislation, protection of investment) are two most important issues for service SMEs.


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