  • 學位論文


A study on the social control Adaptation and development of Southeast female spouses in Pen-hu Island

指導教授 : 許春金教授


有鑑於外籍配偶逐漸增多,其在新環境之適應及社會控制發展,是值得關注的課題。本研究之主要目的有三:一、發掘鑑別新移民女性調適我國社會環境,並發展社會控制;二、能將研究所得應用到犯罪預防實務上,有效預防或減少新移民女性之犯罪與偏差行為;三、希望能有助於國內「新台灣人母親」素質之提昇。 本研究以質化研究,採隨機立意抽樣10名澎湖縣東南亞籍女性配偶進行深度訪談,每名訪談約4小時;全部訪談於2008年10月結束。 研究結果發現: 一、研究發現初嫁澎湖群島東南亞配偶與台灣本島姐妹無異;經歷澎湖離島婚姻生活多年,社會控制適應與發展良好,鮮少產生犯罪與偏差行為,對外籍配偶「污名化」有另類註解與不同研究結果。 二、澎湖縣治安良好,犯罪動機鍵薄弱,東南亞配偶社會鍵就附著、奉獻、參與;信仰於傳統家庭、父母、朋友與學校,以及其他社會機構或活動等皆良好。與社會建立強有力的鍵,不輕易犯罪。 本研究建議: 一、人權思想趨先灌輸:政府從已往新移民仍「照顧、輔導」方略的社會福利觀點,忽略國家整體經濟、文化去考量,當世界各國都將移民當成人力資源運用,政府要能開放,給予外來配偶工作權與縮短取得身分證時間。 二、社政策擬定應將社經狀況配套納入:受到人口禁販壓力,政府才會積極擬定方針,另一方面,迎娶外籍配偶者大部份本身就是經濟弱勢,外配本身的就業率又低,反而成為社會福利的負擔,社會大眾的憂慮有其根據。未來政府在制訂兒童健康的相關公共政策時,不應僅著重在醫療等方面,也應特別注意社經狀況等社會因素。 三、社政體系的運作提供保護措施的週延性:目前在縣市社政單位中,針對家庭暴力所編列的微薄經費,對對於平日業務推展,已是捉襟見肘。移民署於96年8月間,每年編列的三億元「外籍配偶照顧輔導基金」中,增列「外籍配偶返鄉機票費」補助措施,並朝擬法、立法法制化作業方向進行。 四、新台灣之子教育、醫療問題之優先重視:我國少子化異常嚴重,兒童死亡 兒童死亡率居高不下,但兒童醫療與社福資源始終不足,以致台灣未來主人,正面臨多面夾殺的困境,學界憂心,政府若不正視兒童議題,勢必嚴重衝擊台灣未來。 關鍵字:新移民女性、東南亞籍、社會控制


Since the foreign spouses have increased gradually, their adjustments to the new environment and social developments to a new environments have turned into a critical issue which needs consistent attentions. The three major purposes are as follows: 1. To excavate and differentiate the new immigrant female’s adjustments to a new social environment, hoping to find a effective method on social control. 2. To apply the study result to the criminal preventive practices, in hoping to reduce and prevent the violative and criminative behaviors of the new female immigrant. 3. To enhance the quality of the new Taiwanese mother- This study is based on the methods of Qualitative Interview and Conceptional Random, by which I select 10 Southeastern Asian espouse as my interviewers. Each interview cost 4 hours to complete, and all the interviews came to an end in October, 2008. The result provides us the following information: 1.We have found that those foreign females who married local –males and settled down in Pen-hu island have nothing different from their sisters who lived in Taiwan Island : After many years of living in the Pen-hu island, their social adjustments and developments are comparatively better, only a few cases of criminal and violative behaviors were found, which gives us a different reputation on the foreign spouses and helps to remove their stereotyped infamies. 2.We also found that Pen-hu island has had a good public security, which helps the foreign spouses to build a strong relationship with the society: they are apt to adhere to, dedicate to and participate social activities; they are apt to devote themselves to traditional families, parents, friends , school and other social organizations. Having a strong bond with the society will reduce the possibility of committing crimes. The study also suggests: 1.The value of human right thought lies on education: The government had to transform its out-of-date policy of “guidance and assistance” to a opener perspective. We should consider foreign spouses as important human resources by offering them workpermit or identification in a short time. 2.Social policy has to take the economic status quo into consideration: Pressured by the embargo of human labor force, our government begins to make clear policy; on the other hand, those who marry foreign spouses mostly are inferior economically. Foreign spouses are usually have a low employment rate, which may make them become a burden for a society, and it makes sense for the public to worry above reason. In the future, when the government setting up public policy on children health, it should not only pay more attention on hospital-care system, but also on other social factors, suchas social status quo. 3.The implementation of social-care system helps offer a comprehensive protection: Presently, the county administration only schedules a limited budget on the protection of domestic violence each year. The budget is just enough to do paper affairs. The National Immigration Agency budgeted 300 million NT dollars as “A Foundation to Help and Care Foreign Spouses” in August , 2007, which included a subsidized policy to help buying free tickets for foreign spouses. The policy is not a oral promise but a law which is proceeding to be passed by the Legislative Yuan. 4.The education and hospital- care on new Taiwanese children has its utmost priority: The less and less children problem is quite severe, and the children mortality rate is comparatively high. We are facing multiple obstacles, if we don’t find some ways out to handle this critical issue, the impact will come soon. Keyword:those foreign females,southeast asia,social control


