  • 學位論文


A Study of the Relationships among Internal Marketing, Job Satisfaction and Job Performance with Insurance Brokerage as an Example

指導教授 : 詹毓玲 林靖


內部行銷是近年來新興的研究議題,其觀點在於以組織內全體員工為對象,運用行銷的觀念與技巧來滿足員工需求,以提高員工工作滿足,進而希望提高工作績效,以達成組織的目標。本研究試圖從企業實行內部行銷策略的角度出發,來探討領導型態、工作滿足、與工作績效之關聯性。透過問卷調查法針對台灣區保險經紀業務人員為實證研究對象,共計發放300份問卷,回收有效問卷204份,有效回收率68%。本研究結果發現: 一、內部行銷與工作滿足有正向關係。 二、工作滿足與工作績效有正向關係。 三、內部行銷會透過工作滿足的中介效果,來預測到工作績效。 四、主管領導型態之仁慈領導可以調節內部行銷與工作滿足之關係。 研究結論建議企業在內部行銷策略應進行強化,並透過仁慈領導之管理與改善,以提高員工工作滿足,進而對企業員工有正面之工作績效。


defined as promoting the company, as a product, to its employees. Internal Marketing targets all the staff in a firm and develope employees’ customer-oriented behavior through traditional external marketing tools. Internal Marketing can raise job satisfaction and job performance to help achieve the goal of an organization. This research intends to prove that if enterprises carry out the strategy of internal marketing, the relationships among the internal marketing, leadership style, job satisfaction and job performance. A questionnaire survey was employed to investigate the insurance brokerage as an example and were distributed 300 questionnaires in insurance brokerage sales, of which 204 questionnaires were returned effectively; a return rate of 68%. The study showed that: (1) internal marketing significantly and positively predicted job satisfaction; (2) job satisfaction significantly and positively predicted job performance; (3) job satisfaction had a “complete mediating effect” on the relationship between internal marketing and job performance; (4) the style of benevolence leadership moderated the relationship between internal marketing and job satisfaction. The results suggested enterprises should carry out the strategy of internal marketing, through the managing style of benevolence leadership, to raise job satisfaction and job performance. Internal Marketing is a new and developing research topic. It is


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