  • 學位論文


A Study of an Index Center for Technological Tourism

指導教授 : 方鄒昭聰


近年來由於經濟成長、國民教育提升及生活型態轉變等因素影響,使國人對於生活品質越來越講究,多樣化觀光旅遊需求日益提升,而現今資訊網路技術無遠弗屆,觀光產業結合資訊網路科技的情況下,科技旅遊的概念也就應運而生。科技旅遊(Technological Tourism)是指使用資訊通訊技術(ICT)及相關產品,以讓旅遊者在行前規劃、景點精緻導覽與體驗及旅遊分享。因此各地旅遊景點資訊就變得越來越重要,但現今景點資訊爆炸或過少,都無法符合使用者需求。 然而在世界各地景點不勝枚舉,且分散在不同層級的資訊架構或資料庫中,使得管理起來非常麻煩。因此本研究以定義旅遊景點(Point of Interest)的數位內容及設計發展景點索引中心為研究目的,旨在設計出一套景點數位內容及景點索引中心架構,整合各地景點資訊於索引中心。 本研究採次級資料及文獻回顧研究法,進行資料蒐集,整理出索引中心所必需的基本欄位,加入數位物件辨識碼運作機制,並參考DNS分層架構概念及其他獲取服務機制,發展出即時景點查詢及維護流程,建立一在雲端運算環境中的POI索引中心架構,並採用擴增實境技術提供旅客身歷其境的服務。最後使用專家訪談法驗證索引中心平台架構的可行性。本研究預期將此POI索引中心架構應用於智慧型行動裝置中,讓使用者旅遊時,可透過本系統架構快速得到所需的環境資訊,達到精緻旅遊的服務。


In recent years, there are more and more people paying attention to the quality of life and the technology demands of tourism has grown up faster than ever before because of economic growth, promotion of citizen education, and the changes of lifestyles, etc. Nowadays, the information communication technology became far and wide in all kinds of industries, including tourism industry. So combining information network technology with it is inevitable. Therefore, the concept of Technological Tourism progressively emerged and well-developed. “Technological Tourism” was defined to use ICT (Information and Communication Technology) and related products in order to allow tourists for planning, exquisite tour guide during tour and sightseeing experience sharing after tour. However, there are countless attractions in the world and each attraction has a lot of detailed information. And with the increase of attractions information, many data cannot be used efficiently because of it distributed over different levels of information structures or databases all over the world and transfer through network. The purpose of this research is to define the digital contents of tourism POI (Point of Interest) and to design software for it in the index center architecture. This study is accomplished by collecting secondary data and literature review approaches. And it is sorted out essential field and attractions operation framework, including instant POI search and rights to add new attractions during the trip. This research refers to the DNS concept of layered architecture, web services techniques and DOI code of the operational mechanism to establish a POI index center in the cloud computing environment. It takes augmented reality technology which provides immersive services for users. Besides, it also takes expert interviews to verify the feasibility of model fracture to confirm the user demands of information and communication technology in tourism and the fittingness of the index center on platform architecture.Finally, this study is expected to offer a tourism index center for smart mobile devices. When the tourists are going for self-tours, the index center can decrease time of search attractions and it provide necessary traveling information instantly to achieve a new elaborate tour guide services.


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