  • 學位論文


Assessing Potability of Drinking Water by Structural Equation Models

指導教授 : 李育明


我國自來水水質狀況已趨近世界先進國家水準,惟民眾購買瓶裝水飲用的市場年需求量仍高,顯示二者間仍存在明顯的落差。本研究係透過專家問卷調查,以及應用結構方程模式,藉以探討飲用水適飲性滿意度之關聯性,並建立水質適飲性優選系統。首先回顧飲用水管理現況、飲用水適飲性、感覺生理學及結構方程模式等相關文獻,並採用問卷方式以瞭解專家對飲用水適飲性滿意度,問卷設計包括水質認知、法規制度、供水方式及基本資料等四大面向,並以敘述統計資料分析包括信度分析、平均數等以確認問卷內容的適切性。然後再以因素分析、路徑分析和結構方程模式分析其關聯性。 研究結果顯示視覺感受最易影響專家對飲用水適飲性的知覺其λ 值為0.906、其次依序為觸覺及嗅覺,其λ 值分別為0.866 及0.858。且專家對飲用水適飲性之法規制度較會考慮供水之事業單位,其λ 值為0.676 、其次依序為飲用水水質標準、自來水水質標準其λ 值分別為0.656及0.435。而以瓶裝水水質做為供水方式較會提高專家對飲用水適飲性之滿意程度其λ 值為0.621 ,其次依序為「以質計價」、及「瓶裝水」其λ 值分別為0.543及0.409。本研究探究其各構面之關係強弱,進行模式考驗所得的GFI 指數是0.920,調整的AGIF 是0.862結果顯示本研究所提出的「水質認知與供水方式」模式與研究樣本觀察資料可以適配,通過整體模式基本、絕對和精簡適配分析結果。




Due to paying much attention to the quality of life and health, the general public required much more for the quality of drinking water. The quality of tap water is getting close to the level of global developed countries, but the market demand of bottled water from the general public remains high, while both two types of water exist obvious differences in the status of water quality and drinking will. By using expert questionnaires and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), the study proceeded correlation analysis of the level of drinking water palatability and the citizen satisfaction degree about drinking water palatability in order to establish a drinking water optimum seeking system. First of all, the study reviewed literatures on existing circumstances of drinking water management, drinking water palatability, sensory physiology and SEM, also analyzed satisfaction of drinking water palatability from experts with the way of questionnaire. The designing of questionnaire included cognition of water quality, laws and regulations, the way of water supply and basic information; then proceeded descriptive statistics including: reliability analysis, mean et cetera in order to confirm the appropriateness of questionnaire. Finally, we analyzed the correlations with methods of factor analysis, Path analysis and SEM. The results indicated the vision is the most easily affected cognition of drinking water palatability from the experts, the value of λ was 0.906, and in turn with tactile and smell, their values of λ were 0.866 and 0.858. The experts showed more consideration for water supply companies in the field of the laws and regulations of drinking water palatability, the value of λ was 0.676, and in turn with drinking water quality standard and tap water quality standard, their values of λ were 0.656 and 0.435. Using bottled water quality for the major supply way will improve the level of satisfaction of drinking water palatability from the experts, its value of λ was 0.621, and in turn with quality pricing and bottled water, their values of λ were 0.543 and 0.409. The study analyzed correlations in many aspects, the GFI index was 0.920 which obtained from our mode exam; the modified AGIF was 0.862 which indicated the mode of “cognition of water quality and way of water supply” proposed by this research is congruent with observing samples and adopted the congruence analysis results of basic, absolute and simple in the integral mode.


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