  • 學位論文


The Study of Organizational Identification and Organizational Commitment after the Mergers and Acquisitions in the Banking Industry of Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳銘薰


近幾年來全球企業吹起一陣購併的風潮,然而購併的結果卻沒有想像中來的好,因為根據研究購併的失敗率高達60%-80%。購併失敗的原因除了財務與策略的問題外,最大的因素是出自於購併後人員的整合問題。在許多影響人員整合的因素裡,學者認為被購併員工對新組織的認同與承諾是購併是否能成功的一大關鍵,且較能解釋員工何以抗拒組織改變或購併原因。然而關於購併後的組織認同與承諾之相關研究相對比較少,且大多是以文獻回顧或是質性研究為主。此外大多數的研究都只有探討被併公司員工的心態,卻都忽視了主併公司員工也會受到合併的影響。有鑑於此,本研究主要目的在於運用量化的方式找出影響組織認同與組織承諾的前置因子,且比較主併與被併員工對購併的知覺上是否有所差異。 本研究藉由meta analysis找出前置因子分別為,組織認同:購併前組織認同、對購併的信任、程序公平、對購併的預期效益;組織承諾:工作安全感、工作滿意、預期購併效益。在找出前置因子後本研究針對2004-2007年台灣進行購併的主併與被併銀行員工進行問卷訪談,總共調查8家銀行共592位員工(主併銀行四家共283位,被併銀行四家共309位)。 本研究以多元迴歸法來檢定研究假設。實證結果發現,不管是主併或是被併公司員工,所有的前置因子對組織認同與組織承諾都有顯著的影響關係,且組織認同與組織承諾對於離職意圖有負向的顯著影響。且不管在主併或是被併銀行,對購併的信任與工作滿意此兩個因素的影響程度最高。此外本研究根據主併與被併、購併的時間、銀行的類型與員工年資等準則將樣本區分為幾個群體,來分析對前置因子是否有所差異。結果顯示,不同的樣本類別對前置因子的確有不同的考量與看法。


購併 組織認同 組織承諾


In recent years, the merger and acquisition of global businesses has become a tendency, however, the result of the merger and acquisition is not as good as people image and the failure rate gets up to 60 to 80 percent according to the research. The biggest factor of failure is the integration of staffs after the merger and acquisition except the problems of financial affairs and strategies. For many reasons which affect the integration of the personnel, researchers think that the identification and commitment of the acquired company staffs for the new organization are the main keys to decide whether they will succeed or not and it is reasonable to explain why the employees resist the change or the merger and acquisition of the organization. Nevertheless, there are less related studies of organizational identification and commitment after the merger and acquisition and most of them focus on the literature retrospect and the qualitative research. Moreover, most studies only explore the mental state of the acquired company personnel but neglect that the personnel of the acquiring company will also be influenced by the merger and acquisition. In view of this, the research aims at finding antecedents which affect organizational identification and commitment by quantitative method and compare if there are any differences of the merger and acquisition perception between staffs of the acquiring company and the acquired company. This research found the antecedents include organizational identification: pre-merger organizational identification, trust in merger, procedure justice, expected utility in merger and organizational commitment: job security, job satisfaction, expected utility of the merger by meta analysis. After finding the antecedents, the researcher did a survey on bank staffs of the acquiring and acquired companies in Taiwan from 2004 to 2007. There are totally eight banks include five hundred and ninety-two employees (four acquiring companies include two hundred and eighty-three employees and four acquired companies include three hundred and nine employees). This research examined the hypothesis of the study by multiple regression. The result discovered that all antecedents had notable influence on organizational identification and commitment no matter for the personnel of the acquiring company as well as the acquired company and organizational identification and commitment had negative effect on turnover intention. In addition, trust in merger and job satisfaction these two factors affected the acquiring company and the acquired company most. Furthermore, this research divided the sample into several groups according to the acquiring and acquired companies, merger and acquisition time, bank types and staff seniorities to analyze if they would make any differences in antecedents. In sum, the outcome showed that different kinds of samples had different consideration and thought of antecedents.




