  • 期刊


A Gap Review of Relative Influence of Distributive Justice and Procedural Justice on Satisfaction and Commitment


公平性在管理學的研究領域中,是個相當重要的變數,已應用於組織行為、組織改造、服務公平性、服務抱怨、顧客滿意度、通路關係等研究之中,至今已累積不錯的研究成果。不過,本研究經由比較過去的研究結果卻發現,公平性(分配公平性與程序公平性)與關係品質(滿意度與承諾)之間的關係,仍存在一個研究缺口,詳言之,過去研究對於分配公平性與程序公平性兩者之中,何者影響滿意度較大,何者影響承諾較大,一直未有一致的結論。 為對原因有進一步的探究,本研究經由文獻論述的方式,發現至少有五個可能的原因,第一、過去的研究忽略了關係情境因素,第二、過去的研究忽略了個體在關係需求上的差異,第三、過去的研究大都視滿意度與承諾為單一的構念,第四、過去的研究忽略了分配公平性與程序公平性對滿意度與承諾的構面關係,第五、過去的研究忽略了分配公平性的意義有不同的認定。


In the field of management research, justice is a very important variable. The concept of justice has been applied to the research of organizational behavior, organization restructure, service justice, service copmplaint, customer satisfaction, and channel relationship, and has accumulated a massive amount of studies. However, through comparing the results of previous studies, this study finds that a study gap exists in the relationship between justice (distributive justice and procedural justice) and relationship quality (satisfaction and commitment). Specifically, There are no consistent conclusions in the results of previous studies about that distributive justice and procedural justice, which one influences satisfaction more and which one influences commitment more. To understand the causes of the mentioned gap, this study by the way of literature arguments finds at least five possible causes. First, previous studies neglected the considerations of relationship contexts. Second, previous studies neglected the differences of objects in relationship demands. Third, previous studies regarded satisfaction and commitment as unitary constructs. Fourth, previous studies neglected the dimensional relationships between distributive justice/procedural justice and satisfaction/commitment. Fifth, previous studies neglected the different recognitions for the definitions of distributive justice.


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