  • 學位論文

不同購物網站類型與信任類型之研究-以Yahoo!奇摩超級商 城、愛合購與PTT合購版為例

The study of the trust types within different shopping websites-case studies from Yahoo! Shopping, ihergo and PTT Buy Together

指導教授 : 邱光輝


本研究目的有二:第一旨在探討於購物網站中,消費者對網站代理人的信任水準。第二為比較在不同的購物網站中,對網站代理人的信任水準有何差異性,共提出六個研究假說。 本研究採用 Lewicki & Bunker (1995) 的信任分類,將信任分為計算型信任、知識型信任與認同型信任。依此分類來發展本研究之問卷,並挑選三個購物網站當作本次研究的個案,分別為 Yahoo!奇摩超級商城、愛合購與PTT合購版。過程中藉由發放線上問卷之方式來進行調查,於調查期間共取得400份有效問卷,其中 Yahoo!奇摩超級商城共138份;愛合購共83份與 PTT 合購版共179份。 於問卷資料經分析後發現: 1.探討研究個案的主要信任類型中,其結果顯示三者的主要信任類型皆為計算型信任。 2.在計算型信任中之差異達統計上之顯著。其結果顯示 PTT 合購版是三者中計算型信任最高者。 3.於知識型信任上之差異未達顯著,代表三者無明顯差異。 4.於認同型信任中,結果顯示 PTT 合購版最高,愛合購次之,再其次為 Yahoo!奇摩超級商城。


The study aims to investigate consumers’ trust about the agent in the shopping websites, the second is to compare the different shopping websites which the difference of consumers’ trust about agent. And the study has six hypotheses. In the study, it use the classification of the trust which addressed by Lewicki & Bunker (1995). It is divided into calculus-based trust, knowledge-based trust, and identification-based trust. And the questionnaire of this study is developed from this classification, and selected three shopping website (Yahoo! Shopping, ihergo and PTT Buy Together) as the cases in this study. There are 400 valid questionnaires, and Yahoo! Shopping has138 questionnaires; ihergo has 83 and PTT Buy Together has 179. Based on the results of the survey analysis, we found: 1.The trusts of the main types of case studies are all calculated based trust, and the results have reached statistically significant. 2.In the calculus-based trust, PTT Buy Together of the highest and the result has reached statistically significant. 3.In the knowledge-based trust, the result was not significant, there are no significant difference between three cases. 4.In the identification -based trust, PTT Buy Together of the highest, second is ihergo and third is Yahoo! Shopping..


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